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Canon MX395 Scanning issue.


Hello, Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.


My problem. I am trying to scan a document. a payslip. the flatbed scanner will not scan the full platen/glass panel when instructed to. What it does do is scan half of it and cut out the other half.


Imagine if you will... The scanner bulb runs from the top of the A4 (ish) glass panel to the bottom. it will scan length ways only half of it. so basically a long thin page. I have also tried feeding the document through the top fed ADF slit. seems to be a seperate bulb to that of the flatbed scanner. both have the same issue. both print the same side of the document.


I dont really understand whats going on to be honest. i am hoping it is not a hardware issue and just a simple software calibration issue.


What i have tried:-


1/ Positioning the document in diffrent locations on the flatbed.

2/ Manually setting the scan size... to full platen, A4 and the size of the document.

3/ Reinstalling Hardware drivers and interface software.

4/ Using the U scan softrware and Windows 7 Software (Same result).

5/ Trying Auto, Photo, Document & Custom scan settings.

6/ Running around my living room waving my hands in the air screaming.

7/ Checking for an official Firmware update, already at the most up-to-date (Never been updated manually).

7/ Weeping whilst curled up in the fetal possition in the corner of my living room.


Anyway, anyone got any advice?


Thank you for your time and patience, it is appreciated.



Hi, Jonesie85!

Welcome to The Canon Forums, and thanks for posting!

We appreciate your participation, though we need to let you know that your product appears to be a model that is not supported by our team here at Canon USA.  The Canon Community Forum is hosted and moderated within the United States by Canon USA. We are only able to provide support for Canon products manufactured for and used within the US market.

If you live outside the United States, please click HERE and select your country to find support in your part of the world.

Feel free to discuss Canon products sold outside of the United States, but please be aware that you will not receive support directly from Canon USA.

Thanks for choosing Canon!

Ridiculous. I just signed up and need support. So I'll be waiting in vain, to eventually be told I must go somewhere else, to THE SAME company! Why ask for my time zone in the registration area? Why can't I be informed right there that I won't get support??

Hi georgev167! 

The Canon Forum is hosted and moderated within the United States by Canon USA. We are only able to provide support for Canon products manufactured for and used within the US market. 

Feel free to discuss Canon products sold outside of the United States, but please be aware that you will not receive support directly from Canon USA. 

We hope this clears things up! 
