Camera Software
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Folder list in dpp4 is not legible

The folder list in my DPP4 (v., the latest version) has black text on a dark gray background, making the list practically illegible. Other panels of the DPP4 GUI have white text on the gray background, and are perfectly legible; only the fo...

Canon Camera Connect Live View Lag

Every time I shoot with my camera connected to my phone through the Canon Camera Connect app. The live view on my phone lags every 3 seconds. The live view on the camera seems to be working fine; the lag is there only on the live view on my phone. I ...

Canon Camera Connect ipad latest update is bad

The latest update of Camera Connect is bad. I lost the chance to do astrophotography last night because i could not see live images on the ipad. Today I figured it out, I had to push the live button on my 90d. No warning of a major change like this.

Digital Photo Professional What happened to the RGB TAB

In earlier versions of Digital Photo Professional prior to the big change in version 4 you could select the RGB tab it is no longer there that I can see.Under editing a Raw image you could select RAW and do you adjustments then select the RGB tab nex...

Screenshot (39).png Screenshot (40).png
Boomer67 by Apprentice
  • 1 replies

Windows 11 software for PowerShot SX620 HS

There does not appear to be any Windows 11 software for my PowerShot SX620 HS camera. I need to transfer images from my camera to my computer. Does anyone know - can I use Windows 10 software?

pike50 by Apprentice
  • 2 replies

Canon EOS VR Premiere Plugin limitations + feature request

Currently, the Canon VR plugin for Adobe Premiere (and the VR utility) require a jpg or mp4 that is directly exported from the Canon camera with proprietary meta data written that tells the plugin to automatically do Canons equirectangular projection...

Delrious by Apprentice
  • 2 replies

Resolved! C70 download site

Hello!New member here.I recently purchased a C70 camera. I'm registered on the Canon site, but when I try accessing the download and update page I get the following message: You don't have permission to access "

EOS Utility for 7D, Lost CD

During a cleaning, I lost the Canon installation CD for the EOS 7D camera, without the CD I'm not able to work with the live view of the computer. How can I get the full EOS Utility program for installation and not just the EOS Utility update, for Wi...

Camera Connect woes with EOS M50 and Smartphone

Hello I've been having a terrible time getting Camera Connect to work with my M50 and Moto G9 Play phone.I can use Bluetooth for some basic functions, but geotagging is not working, even though the photos do show the little satellite flag in the corn...

Cannot maximize "show second screen" window - DPP 4.17

I'm using canon dpp 4.17. When I select "show second screen" the window opens on my second monitor but it doesn't fill the screen. There is no way to maximize it either. I've changed the resolution of the monitor. The resolution of the second monitor...

Resolved! EOS 5D Mark IV Can't import 4k videos over 20 seconds to PC

Camera: Canon 5D IVHello, I have recently started recording in 4K (4096x2160 - 29.97 fps - MOV) I noticed that I can't import it to my PC when the videos get longer, 20 sec videos work fine. But anything above that it just won't show up when I try to...

MajaT by Apprentice
  • 3 replies

Resolved! One file crashing DPP

I have used DPP for a long time, my last version was it crashed every time I selected one folder.  Other folders were OK.I tried unsuccessfully to update so uninstalled and imstalled because I still had the installation fil...

Lundavra by Enthusiast
  • 3 replies

CR2 File Conversion

Hello Everyone:I'm having trouble converting CR2 image files to images.  And once I can convert the files, how do I not lose image quality?Thanks in advance. 

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