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Digital Photo Professional 4... 'HDR Compositing Tool..." No option to save camera data?


It's slightly annoying that when using the DPP ver 4.  The 'Start HDR Compositing Tool', does some good work with the photos in many cases, not in all cases.  But when its used, there seems to be no way to have it save with the 'Camera' data.  You know like 'Camera Maker', 'Camera Model', 'F-Stop', 'Exposure Time', 'ISO-Speed'....

All of that data is lost when saving the file using this method.

EDIT: This is for processing one image at a time.  Not multiple images in the HDR screen.  I realize that the function is called 'Composite', but I've only used the function with one image.  Maybe few have discovered it's usefulness. 


i agree, that above example sucks. If its that underexposed, usually the 'art standard' in the hdr tool, will just bring out 'noise', I don't see noise in the above picture, but I'll trust your word that it came from 'art standard' settings.  But I've gotten some great results, with more reasonable photos.  It's not going to work miracles with 'bad photos', that is not what I meant.  It's not Topaz... which claims to work miracles.  Although I've seen some night-and-day results.  It seems though that people have not used this tool.  Whether or not it was intended for, I found it very useful.  As the example in my solution...

@johnrmoyer wrote:

"The HIF files produced look stunning in the on my iMac with HDR monitor. This is a big improvement over HDR squeezed to display on a SDR monitor, so I hope eventually it becomes as well supported as JPEG, but for now I will continue using JPEG and sRGB and adjust the tone curve (gamma) in DPP to squeeze as much of the dynamic range of a single CR3 file as possible into a JPEG because JPEG is more likely to be viewable in web browsers and most often my photos are viewed on a screen."

Thanks for the additional info, John. The Raw HDR PQ files look amazing on my Windows system with an HDR10 monitor as well. As you know, JPeG is the standard for most viewing and I think Canon is banking on HEIF to replace it. But that is going to have to wait until HDR monitors are the norm so most can take advantage of PQ HEIF. HEIF is far superior to JPeG in both the 10bit color, vs. the 8bit jpg, and compression.

On a side note, DPP 4 will now composite HDR PQ files from the R6 mark II using exposure bracketing (AEB). I've tried it and it does a really good job. I would post an example of a bracketed Raw HDR PQ, but it would be pointless and way off topic 🙂


@robertkjr3d wrote:

i agree, that above example sucks. If its that underexposed, usually the 'art standard' in the hdr tool, will just bring out 'noise', I don't see noise in the above picture, but I'll trust your word that it came from 'art standard' settings.  But I've gotten some great results, with more reasonable photos.  It's not going to work miracles with 'bad photos', that is not what I meant.  It's not Topaz... which claims to work miracles.  Although I've seen some night-and-day results.  It seems though that people have not used this tool.  Whether or not it was intended for, I found it very useful.  As the example in my solution...

Of course it sucks, but it is one image in a series intended for HDR compositing and, other than that, not intended for editing (if that makes sense). My original exposure setting for the series was 1/160th, f/5.6, ISO 1000, using the R6II in AEB and an RF 100-400mm at 100mm, lighting is a 40watt LED lamp bulb. My AEB settings were -2 stops, normal exposure (original settings mentioned), and +2 stops. The image that I used at your request was changed by the R6II to 1/160, f/5.6, ISO 250. So the camera/AEB changed the ISO to get my -2 stop request. To get my +2 stops, it adjusted my shutter to 1/40th and left other settings the way I had them. That is why so many responses to your query seemed out of place.

Personally, I am happy that you are getting the results you want and I'm not trying to change what you are doing to achieve that, just pointing out that what you are doing is not HDR. It's great that you aren't having to use another program to get the results you like.

"but I'll trust your word that it came from 'art standard' settings"

A picture is worth a thousand words, LOL!

Art Standard with AdjustmentsArt Standard with Adjustments


That photo is not worth editing or processing with this tool.  I did say a 'reasonable image'.. that is not a reasonable image.   You actually increased the sliders beyond 'Art Standard' defaults.  in the 'detail enhancement' section... But that's beside the point, I already said, don't expect the tool to somehow work a miracle with a 'terrible' photo. But the 'feathers' on the ostrich...yes the HDR tool did find those. (that was in the solution I posted...)

Just a friendly reminder to keep feedback kind! While constructive criticism is definitely allowed we want to be sure it isn't phrased in a hurtful way! 😊

Good morning. Thanks for helping me install software for my Rebel T7. I contacted Canon, then Acer and never got a reply.  I decided to try loading on my acer laptop using windows11. That was successful then with my laptop still powered up, I was successful in loading to my acer desktop.  Looks like sharing was my problem. I worked in IT on mainframe and client servers for 44 years. So not afraid to take them apart. Last time I worked on pc’s we were using windows nt

