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Canon camcorder NTSC ZR400

Hi, I am trying to charge my camcorder that has been sitting around for years….. does anyone know if the battery gets charged when I plug in the camcorder or is there a separate piece to charge just the battery…. I don’t have a separate piece in the ...

Only records in segments; Canon Vixia r400

Whenever I record for a long time and put the footage onto my computer it splits up into two or three different files of about half hour to an hour. The SD is 32 GB. Is there something in my settings that I'm doing wrong or is it the SD card?

EOS Webcam Utility for VIXIA HF G50

I have a Vixia HF G50 and would like to know if I can do live stream with it by using the software EOS WEBCAM UTILITY. Appreciate all the help. Thank you.

nobleman by Apprentice
  • 1 replies

HDCP Protection on VIXIA HF G50

I have a VIXIA HF G50, anyone knows if it has HDCP protection, and if yes... how to turn it off? Looked into the manual and didn't find anything about it. Appreciate all the help. thank you.

nobleman by Apprentice
  • 0 replies

Canon Legria HF-G25 Output Resolution 720 x 576 on HD Display

I'm wondering if someone can help me with an odd problem I'm having. I bought a 2nd hand Canon Legria HF-G25 a few months ago & for the price the camera is doing a great job. It's mainly used for live streaming services, so the HDMI output is very im...

Hanroux by Apprentice
  • 6 replies

R500 Camcorder. Audio appears to be disabled

Looking at the Main Functions settings, The Audio (Audio Scene) is disabled and it doesn't appear to be able to be  modified.  The camera is currently in the Auto Mode and the Mic input doesn't appear to allow the standard 3.5 plug to be able be full...

Vixia mini X need LCD flexible cable replacement

My trusted and much used Vixia mini X has a problem with the flexible cable connecting to the screen, I have had to remove the retaining plate which now lets the screen work at most angles, but it periodically loses its display and can be temporarily...

Resolved! M40 naturally better low-light than the R600?

Hi!Relatively new to Canon camcorders, I've noticed that low-light videos recorded with the newer R600 tend to be much grainier than what I record with an M40. Adjusting the R600's settings only seems to make things worse or lowers the framerate. Whi...

Problem connecting VIXIA HF R80 to Camera Connect

I have installed the app on my Android phone and set the camera for "Remote : Monitor from Home".  Camera shows the Network Name & Password.  On my phone my Settings show me connected to the Camera's network.  Launching the App shows the network name...

Connecting camcorder to computer

I have had a Vixia HF R500 for a couple of years, and have never had any problem transferring my videos from the camcorder to my laptop until now. I accidently removed my Pixela transfer utility le program, and now I find out that Pixela no longer su...

lo6308 by Apprentice
  • 2 replies

How transfer videos to PC without Pixela?

Hi everyone! I have Canon HF R700 camcoder. and used Pixela transfer utility to transfer videos. Recently I got new PCn(old one is gone). Wgen I tried to download utility from Pixela website, I fount out that they discontinued it...  Where can I down...

Ukrop by Apprentice
  • 6 replies

Resolved! Legria HF-G30 camcorder compatibility with WD-H58W lens.

Hi all, I own a Legria HF-G10 camcorder with a WD-H58W wide converter lens.Now I'd like to change my cam with the new Legria HF-G30.Will I can continue using the WD-H58W with the HF-G30 camcorder or will I be forced to buy the WA-H58 lens as suggeste...

manganio by Apprentice
  • 5 replies

Vixia HF M31 HDMI output

I have a 4K HDMI to USB 3.0 capture card that I got with the intention of using with my camcorder for live streaming or as a webcam.. The capture card is supposed to be capable of capturing 4K@60 fps and downscaling to 1080p.  This works as advertise...

poit57 by Contributor
  • 3 replies

Video Recovery

I am looking for a solution to recover a video from camcorder's internal memory.  The camera I have is the Canon VIXIA HF R42 and I did find the same question posted 4 years ago but there was no apparent answer.  There must be a way.The camera is con...

kapklo by Apprentice
  • 5 replies
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