When I load a raw photo it takes a long time for the throbber in the lower right corner to stop spinning and even then the preview is not as sharp as the jpegs I export. My computer is OK spec wise apart from the fact that I use the onboard Intel vid...
Hi I was just wondering if other G3X cameras made a clunking sound? When my G3X can not focus it gives up, the yellow square is displayed on the screen and I hear and feel a clunk. Is this normal?
Version and build of your OSWindows 10 Home 64 Bit Fresh install or Upgrade from previous version of DPPUpgrade Your experience or feedbackNo crashes but still very slow when in the Edit Image window with my G3X and some other cameras. I tested some ...
You're welcome. Version 4.7.20 is out. No mention of any bug fixes though, just added cameras and lens.http://support-th.canon-asia.com/contents/TH/EN/0200536602.html
I just tested your raw sample photo and it did not crash DPP4. I didn't have the lens profile for the 18-150mm lens so had to download it. Perhaps your lens profile file is damaged. You could try deleting the 6173.bin lens profile file from the C:\Us...
They are giving away DXO Optics 11 Essentials edition for free at the moment http://www.dxo.com/us/practicalphotographyI prefer DPP4s output but DXO 11 runs much better on my computer.
My video card came today but it has not helped. Image rendering times are as slow as they were before, even with the "use graphics processor for image processing" option selected it takes too long for the image to load. In fact with that option selec...