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The closest focus distance of this lens is 39 cm. And the max magnification is 0.28x. Wonder if Close-up filters can do the trick. Your suggestions, please?Thank you.
Camera & lens: Rebel T6 & EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STMI am going to take pictures of elementary school kids. They are moving constantly and the ambient light, shine, cloudy, rainy and shadows, is also changing rapidly.  I need an aperture F11 for a ...
Camera EOS Rebel t6sI use two cameras.  One is Canon Rebel T6s.  I always take the battery out of T6s camera for charging. But for the other camera, I always charge its battery in the camera every time after down loading the the new images.  Can Rebe...
Camera: Rebel T6sCamera was not used for a few months due to the Covid 19.  Take a few shots today but cannot download the images.  DPP does not appear when camera is connected to PC, have to open it manually.  But it appeared differently as the prin...
 My PC had only one user for many years. Now, a second user is added to it. It seems that either the second user does not recognize the DPP or vice versa. This is the situation:1.The second user is logged into the PC.2.A Canon camera is plugged into ...