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Canon R40 scanner Twain error


I have an R40 scanner, love it - except --!!

after about a day or so of working fine, any usage gives the error:

"An error has occurred within the TWAIN driver, [Error 80FF0001]"

The only solution seems to be to reboot windows, and then all is fine again, for awhile. (Windows-64)

This basically makes it unusable - I can't reboot every time I need to use it.

Emails and calls to Cannon technical support have not helped. After two rounds of the typical "reinstall...", they sent some patch, which did not help. This seems to be a known problem in user reports and the Cannon support staff, but no solutions.

Anyone have any hints for this?



Same problem that just cropped up. My Dell XPS laptop does not have a standard USB port. I must use a USB-C hub to connect.

I had to reboot Windows to get access to the scanner. Now even a reboot does not work. 

There should not be any difference in the usage with various USB cables. They're just wires(!).


I uninstalled my brother drivers and software and now it works. TWAIN conflict of some sort however this was not any issue with a different USB hub and a month ago. I have a travel hub (using now) and a hub I leave on my desktop.
Anyway - that is the news so far.


Once again, it's not working. Same TWAIN error. Any chance, months into this, Canon might actually come up with a remedy? I really don't care if the poor software is your fault or Microsoft's fault, Canon. I paid you for a scanner that worked for a bit and then didn't. Then for a bit, then didn't. We're back to it not working again. If some lawyer starts a class action suit against you, you'll richly deserve it!


Hmm, not sure why or how, but (as the original poster of this thread), my scanner seems to be continuing to work now. I haven't gotten the Twain error in several weeks.

Not sure if it was from some windows update, or ... whatever.

Fingers crossed.

I hope you continue to have good luck. I've had it work on occasion, but not now. Even after a reboot, I'm getting the TWAIN error. I hope Canon knows this is costing them business. I need a new photo printer and was looking at one of theirs. It looked great. But this refusal to stand by their scanner tells me not to invest in any more of their products.


Yes, I completely understand - and I hope that all this negative feedback gets back to the company - not just in a users forum.

I do like it when it works(!), and hope it continues.



I am having the same problem, and none of the suggested solutions have worked for me.


I have the same. I've patched as instructed. No avail. Wiped the installation and started over. Did not help.

The is really **bleep**ty software. There's just no excuse for this level of incompetence. I am returning the scanners and cancelling my corporation's account. My staff has blown many hours due only to these crappy machines.  


The following process works reliably for me:

  1. Stop the "Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)" service
    (From the Windows Start menu, type "services", click on the WIA entry, select the "stop" link at upper left).
  2. Turn on scanner and use.

It works until the next reboot.  I keep the Services app pinned to my task bar with Name sorted in reverse order so I can quickly get to the WIA service. I have uninstalled/reinstalled with the latest drivers and software and nothing else works for me.  

Be sure to write an on-line review at the store where you bought your scanner so that others will be warned of the problem and to raise visibility with Canon.
