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Canon ImageFormula R40 Scanner no longer scanning--TWAIN error


I have loved my R40 scanner, but now it won't work. I use the Canon-supplied software, both the driver and the CaptureOnTouch software. Recently, when I've tried to use it, I get "An error has occurred with the TWAIN driver. [Error: 80FF0001]" and that's it.

I've tried re-installing the driver. I've tried uninstalling it and re-installing it. I've tried uninstalling all the Canon software and re-installing the whole software package. Nothing has made it work. Someone, please help! Thank you.


Nice to know we're not alone here.  I agree, some kind of patch is needed.  We're dead in the water here and might have to abandon Canon as a supplier if we can't get something that works soon.


I am so happy to see the responses on here.  I thought I was crazy.  My computer does have the Windows 11 upgrade available, but I did not go through with it for fear of the same issue.  However, I am still having the same issue.  I have only had the Canon set up for 3 days.  I was able to scan for 1 day, fall in love with it, and when I returned to work the next day(it is a scanner used at my place of business for work), I could no longer use it.  Is this an issue with all Canon scanners or just this particular one?  Should I be looking for a different brand altogether?  This is definitely being returned.

I noticed the same thing during my many attempts to fix this. If it is related to anything, I don't know what to do about it.

I and others have the same issue on W10, so it is not just a W11 thing.


A bit more info on this.  On one of the computers today we found this problem again.  Turned the printer on and at the cursor noticed a circle thing repeatedly coming up.  Went into services and restarted the Windows Image Acquisition service and whallah.  The scanner appeared and worked.  This is just one PC though, we still have another half dozen still failing in different or similar ways, it's our most popular service request 🙂


I recommend that you download and run the Restoration Tool for Windows Registry. This tool will search for and correct any issues that may be causing the error. The tool can be downloaded from the following website:

Once the tool is downloaded, please do the following:

  1. Double-click on the RepairReg.exe file to run the utility.


  2. Click the START button.

The utility will investigate and determine if there are any inconsistencies. If an inconsistency occurs, the utility will try to fix the issue.

If the issue persists, it is recommended that you call our Enterprise & Desktop Solutions Divisions at 1-800-423-2366 Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm ET, excluding holidays.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause; however, the steps needed to resolve the issue at this point, need to be provided by phone with a technician assisting you through them.

Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

Since there are two forum threads on this error - not sure if it was in this one, but I already did that and posted that same link - it reported that it had fixed somethign, but still fails. Callling tech support - twice, no resllt, other than finally "must not be us, but some other software you are using".

That does not really correspond to the symptoms, where it works fine after any re-boot for a few days.

Thanks for the response; enough people have this issue I hope Canon can trace teh actual error and fix it.

Attempting to load this page offers sales coupons we'd prefer not to introduce to our service techs.  Also, the restoration tool supporting documents links appear and then disappear quickly.  We are unable to properly review the supporting documents.  Can you possibly post working links to the supporting documents?

Hi GettnBetter, 

I downloaded and opened the Restoration Tool for Windows Registry and the documentation without sales coupons or difficulty viewing the support documentation. Overall, I'm not yet sure that ArthurJ's solution will work, but just wanted to chime in and say his link and program seems legit. Hope this helps. 

This seems to be primarily a windows 11 issue. I tried for several hours to fix the TWAIN error problem on my new windows 11 desktop computer. No luck. I finally decided to reconnect the R40 to my old windows 10 desktop computer and was able to scan without a problem.  I hope Canon will develop a fix for the new windows 11 OS, otherwise the R40 will become worthless device.    
