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TC-20M all of a sudden lost colors


I printed a 24" poster beautifully. The next print of the same all of a sudden lost most colors. This makes no sense as there is plenty of ink available. I have only printed very few things since getting the printer. I proceeded to do maintenance (cleaning of the print head) - lost cyan -, cleaned again - lost magenta, deep cleaned, lost more of both and some yellow, deep cleaned again still to no avail. A friend of mine that has the older version of this printer, told me that it might be if the printer sits for a long time without power. I read to turn it off, wait 24 hours and try again. Did this - still not working - so I figured give it another couple of cleanings. Same results, first magenta was fine, cyan missing, now one line of cyan and magenta missing. yellow is very weak across the board. black seems fine across the board. What gives? I give up and am glad I bought pro and extended warranty. (good through 2028)

Somebody please a) tell me what the hours are on the support phone number and b) give me any other ideas. I don't want to waste a lot of time doing all kinds of ink wasting procedures anymore.  



Has this been resolved? My printer isn’t printing colors correctly

HI Saduval,

Because this issue is hardware related, it is recommended that you contact technical support via phone for further assistance. There is NO charge for this call. Please dial 1-800-423-2366, Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Eastern Time, excluding holidays. A Technical Support Representative can determine the cause of the issue and resolve it or provide you with your available service options.






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Yes, a simple fix.. There is a cleaning that is beyond just the head. It's on the menu, but you need to scroll down past the first page of the menu. I don't remember exactly what the selection was, but it's under maintenance and deep cleaning, then select all colors.. 
