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Pixma-pro 10 on macos CATALINA


Is there a driver support for CATALINA? Or is the driver on Mojave compatible with Catalina?




That's the correct one. 300 dpi is the correct default setting for Canon printers.


You don't need PSP. It helps with PS for folks who have trouble configuring Photoshop to print. But if you are comfortable configuring PS then you are OK w/o it. 

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

John, went back and printed a tabloid size photo right from PSE and it came out really well.  Am going to stop wasting time on Print Shop Pro and just check every once in a while to see if there is an update.  Liked that product as printer has a tendency to print a bit dark, which I think has been documented.  In Print Shop Pro can set it to lighten before print.  Also liked the Pro Mode profile.  Use PSE anyway at times to do quick and dirty smart edit on old scanned photos.  Luminar and Affinity Photo editors are my go tos, the former also waiting on a Catalina update, which at least I have a release date in November.  Not so sure how fast Canon will be to address Print Shop Pro.  Don't see alot of complaints against it, so wonder who many folks really use it.  

Anyone else notice that in Catalina you are unable to select different paper profiles? Every time you change it from standard to fine art paper, say, it always immidiately defaults back to platinum pro. This makes it impossible to print on any fine art papers at the moment.


I've tried in PS, LR, PSP and have tried reinstalling drivers. Here's a topic that goes more in depth on this issue:




Anyone else out there experiencing this? If this is a driver issue it needs to be fixed ASAP!

Hi. Will we pixma pro-100 users be getting an upgrade so that we can use the pro ptinting software with Catalina? Thanks. 

Where you able to resolve this?  I am having the same issues with selecting the appropriate print media.  Each time it just reverts back to platinum pro!  It's very frustrating and I haven't been able to find a solution.



No resolution yet. Will need an updated version of PSP to be released. 

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

Thanks. It's just about ok if printing onto any gloss or semi-gloss, but hopeless for printing onto matte paper!


Is there a particular reason why you are using PSP?  It's not a required piece of software. 

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

Hi.  PSP is not required but it certainly helps refine the printing process.  It offers much better ability to fine tune your image then does the standard Elements software. I am able to continue to use the software because I have access to a laptop that is running Mojave and PSP 14, but that depends on when the laptop owner isn’t using it. I think Canon should be more helpful in getting that upgrade done, or at least letting users know if and when they will wake from their slumber.  Apple had been letting users know about the change to 64-bit for some time before the switchover. 


Does anyone know if Epson is able to work well with Catalina?

I agree with canonsky.  I can print right out of any of the four editors I use, but none of them gives me the flexibility of PSP out of Photoshop Elements plugin.  Not sure how excited Canon is to update PSP as it is not critical to them selling printers as  just been said.  Not doing so only screws up the workflow for their existing users.  That being said, I am waiting on at least one critical app to be updated that is still 32 bit.  PSP is not 32 bit or it wouldn't run at all on Catalina.  The effort to update it can't be on the same scale, just not on the top of Canon's list. Guessing that if you really wanted the features Catalina brings (love Sidecar), but wanted to wait until all third parties got their act together, you might wait a long time.  
