Pixma Pro-100 Printer Utility


I just intalled a Pixma Pro100 but can't find the printer utility to run head alignment and other functions. Printer driver installed properly. I don't see a utility download on the Canon site. Where is it? I should note that I've looked in the usual place in the print & scan section of system utilities and in the print que dialogues. I'm using Mac OS 10.8.4.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello glwade.


If the driver was installed, you should be able to access the utility from System Preferences.  You can also perform the following to access the utility directly:


 1.  Open the Hard Drive (Mac HD).

 2.  Open the Library Folder.

 3.  Open the Printers folder.

 4.  Open the Canon Folder, then the BJ Printer folder.  Once there, open the Utilities folder.

 5.  Open the Canon IJ Printer utility.


Once there, you will have access to the alignment and maintenance functions.

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Thanks! I did find it in the Library, but it is not available via the System prefs or the printer que. Do you have a suggestion for getting it to install in the correct location? When It didn't show up the 1st time, I deleted the visible installed components and ran the install again, with the same results, although I do see that there are two copies of the utility in the library folder.

Hello glwade.


Additional troubleshooting may have to be done to resolve this issue.  Feel free to call us at 1-800-OKCANON for additional assistance.

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Followed the nice instructions and found the printer utility.  When opened I get message "no printer available."  Confusing since printer does show up in System Preferences and I can print to it.

Need to remove smudges due to borderless printing.

I would also need those instructions on how to get utility to show up in printer queue.

Using OS X 10.10.5

What do I need to do?





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