Pixma Pro-10 miss feeding


I am trying to print 5x7 cards on the Pixma Pro-10.  The size is too small to use the manual feed tray so I have to use the normal feed tray.  Almost everytime the printer miss feeds.  It either doesn't grab the card stock or it will grab it and move it down an inch and then stop.  I have tried both only loading 1 piece of card stock at a time and a stack.  When it tries to grab the paper it jumps up a few mm so it's like something in the printer is moving the paper just out of the reach of the roller so it's can't grab it or grabs it too late and the printer doesn't see the carstock when it expects it and gives the jam error.



I’ve never tried 5x7... but when I print 4x6 I find I have to gently rest a finger on the sheet as it starts to feed or it will usually mis-feed and complain.   For larger sizes I never have a problem.



Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello kskarbek,


Cardstock is not a recommend media type for the PRO-10. Please click HERE to see the media type the PRO-100 supports.


With that being said, as a workaround you may be able to enable the prevent paper abrasion setting on the printer. This setting is adjusted from the Maintenance setting in the printer driver.


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