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PIXMA PRO-100 Support Code 1683


My Pixma Pro 100 displays Support Code 1683 as shown here:


The ink tank actually has about 1/8 inch of ink visible. This is not the first time it has happened. What could be the cause of this phenomena? If memory serves me, the previous time was also light gray, but I'm not 100% sure.

Since the tank obviously still has ink in it, I am continuing to use it, but visually inspect it prior to each use to be sure it still has ink.



It doesn't happen every time I replace the ink tank. I've had replacement ink tanks that work perfectly while others of the same color do not. Also, on at least one occasion, it was the magenta tank, but since that time I've replaced magenta several times without the problem occurring. ArthurJ (above) suggested that it could be a sign that the print head is developing a hardware problem. That certainly is possible. Perhaps some electronic component in the print head has drifted out of tolerance resulting in inconsistent measurements.


I am curious about how old this Pro-100 printer is.  Maybe there is a shelf life of these heads. I've had mine for 13 years and so far it hasn't given me any problems.   

Mine was very lightly used (so they said) before I acquired it maybe 5 years ago. We do have a lot of power surges where I’m at but I do my best with a whole home surge protector and one at the plug as well. Maybe that is a factor? Apparently the cart chips can go bad. I just find it interesting that when I read something like this it’s with the light grey cart. 1-8 chance? I would expect it to last a LONG time. My MX472 is 10 years old and still going 😅.

I don’t remember exactly how old mine is but definitely more than 10 years.

I wish I knew how  the ink level is actually measured. That might help determine what’s happening. 
