This computer is not assigned with a valid IP address, when installing driver




I'm getting this error message when i try to install the driver for MF8280cw:

This computer is not assigned with a valid ip address. Configure the TCP/IP settings, and then try to install again.


I tried rebooting my router and my PC, installing in safe mode. and nothing work

I can enter the remote UI web page from my PC, So nothing is wrong with my IP settings!


I have Windows 10 64bit


Thought I would help you out seeing as I just ran into this issue myself. I have an MF4880dw and Windows 10 64bit home, which is where I'm assuming the issue lies and seeing how canon has not gotten back to you I would venture a guess they don't know what is going on.

The fix is super easy, I simply installed the driver with my printer plugged in through USB.

Now unplug your printer and go to start menu, settings, devices and click add new printer.

Hit the refresh button and windows should find your printer over the network now and since the driver is already installed it should work just fine.

Hope this helps you and anyone else coming across this issue, clearly windows 10 is not ironed out very well yet, but it can't be any worse then 8 even with all the issues i've had so far.

Thanks a lot ,

I also have an MF4880dw and Windows 10 64bit pro, which is where I'm assuming the issue lies because when installing in Windows 7 64bit pro doesn't have this issues.

The problem is when I try to install "MF4800_Series_MFDrivers_W64_us_EN_2.exe" I get to the point where they ask to choose between a USB connection or a network connection.     If I choose network connection it appear the message windows with the "This computer is not assigned with a valid IP address" message and the only option to EXIT instalation.

But if I choose USB connection the Driver/Software for the Canon MF4880dw is installed fine but there is no installation of The "Canon MF Netword Scan Utility" so the Scangear or the Toolbox v.491m17 doesn't see the scanner via Network (wireless).

I don't have problem with printing wirelessly (network), neither scanning via USB cable, but NETWORK scanning is not working at all. The Toolbox said their is no compatible Scanner. Also remote scanning from Canon Laser said their is no computer to scan to.


It is a shame that Canon Support Team still doesn't have a fix yet.

Penguinslovebna with Your FIX:  Can you please check for me if this especific folder is installed by CANON in your computer

" C:/Program Files/Canon/Canon MF Network Scan Utility/ "

This is (folder) where CNMFSUT6.EXE and CNMFSUR6.dll are installed. The .exe is the program that execute "Canon MF Network Scan Utility".   I tried created the folder and copied the files and then execute it but nothing is open/running/show windows where you select the MAC of the MF4880dw.

When I try to install the Canon MF4880dw via automatic Windows detection, Wndows install the printer driver but there is not instalation of the "Canon MF Network Scan Utility". So when I install Toolbox v4.91-mf17 it can find/see the scanner.


and one more question  my IP when installing this MF4880dw suite  is submask and gateway is (linksys router) What is yours??? Thanks in advance.


"The fix is super easy, I simply installed the driver with my printer plugged in through USB.
Now unplug your printer and go to start menu, settings, devices and click add new printer.
Hit the refresh button and windows should find your printer over the network now and since the driver is already installed it should work just fine.


Same problem here.

Activating the WSD Scanning function does get windows to find the scanner, but gives error when trying to scan.



- Use cable to Scan

- Use wifi to print..... 


waiting for Canon to fix this problem as without the Network Scan Utility we cannot do anything with MF toolbox or any other scanning software.

Had the same problem, I resolved this by disabling all other connections I had active (VPNs, virtualbox, etc..)


You can find it here in  Settings and search for Network Connections


I also had to disable the virus scanner for scanner software to install.


Hope this helps!

@lucs wrote:

Had the same problem, I resolved this by disabling all other connections I had active (VPNs, virtualbox, etc..)


You can find it here in  Settings and search for Network Connections


I also had to disable the virus scanner for scanner software to install.


Hope this helps!

Hi There! Thanks for this. It's the only thing that worked for me. I wasn't able to connect via USB because my printer is in another room (office is too small), and no other suggestions I found on the net worked, but your suggestion fixed me right up. Thank you!!!


Two way to resolve the issue:-


(1) I resolved it by disabling all my network adapters including VPNs, virtualbox, Hyper-V etc.. except the WIFI network where my printer is connected. Then I Installed the provied driver software of canon printer of my specific model. It will work now. 


You may get all the network Adapter from Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network Connections or from setting> network and internet> Under advance netwok settings> Change adapter options< 




(2) Simply install the driver with printer plugged in through USB.

Now unplug your printer and go to start menu, settings, devices and click add new printer.



It's 2022 and this is still an issue installing their software.  Disabling all of my tertiary network interfaces worked and I have a lot of interfaces between BT, WiFi, Virtual Machines, and VPNs.
