Sonoma 14.0 causes PP&L to quit unexpectedly - PIXMA PRO 200


I upgraded to Sonoma 14.0 last night and now I can only print one page and then, with the next print, the PP&L quits unexpectedly. 

I am printing notecards.   If I set up for one card and print it - that works.  If I try to print it again, the app "quit unexpectedly".  If I setup to print two cards at the same time, the app "quit unexpectedly" and I don't get anything printed.

I have to re-open the app and setup to print one card, then close it and start all over again.




To have a better understanding of your issue, please let everyone know the model of the printer you have.

If this is a time-sensitive matter, please check out your other support options here.



Canon Pixma Pro 200


Similar issue here on Pro-4000 with Sonoma.  First print good, then it seems that the job manager never receives the next print job. 

I sat on the support chat line for 30 minutes today waiting for someone to come online but I had to go.  I will try again next week, maybe Monday. If I learn anything I will post it here.

This isn't urgent for me but it's important.  I am ready to start printing for Christmas sales.

As a follow up, if I force quit PP&L job Manager after a job completes, I am able to go on with the next print. 

Thanks for the info.  PP&L actually quits "unexpectedly" on me so I don't need to Force Quit.

I'm glad you found a way to get your jobs printed.  Not much help for me.  Each individual card is one print.  It is too time consuming to re-start the app, open the custom layout, load the image files, print one card and then have to start all over again.  

I am using PP&L with a Pixma Pro 200   
After upgrading to Sonoma 14.0  I get this error when I try to print a second page
CNPPLAPP quite unexpectedly and PP&L quits unexpectedly.  I have to force quit the PP&L print manager and re-start everything.  

After a lengthy chat with Canon support this afternoon I have no solution.  They suggested I delete and re-install PP&L.  I would lose all my custom layouts which would be a major loss and there is no reassurance that the re-install would fix the problem.  They also suggested that I export my print jobs to JPG and use Easy Photo Print Editor.  I took a look at this possible solution.  I don't see an export function anywhere in PP&L.  EasyPhoto Print Editor won't do what I am trying to do.

So, right now, I don't have a solution.  

I might roll back my OS upgrade so I can get some work done.


A subsequent chat with Canon support confirmed that PP&L will not work correctly with Sonoma 14.0.  They have no information when a fix will be available. 

I looked into rolling back the OS but, from what I have learned so far, that can't be done without losing a lot of data.  

I understand that Apple rolled out this upgrade without giving Canon an opportunity to update their software but I find it inexcusable that the industry overall tolerates this kind of disregard for the people who actually use technology to get work done.

The person I was on the chat with also told me that when an upgrade for PP&L to fix this problem comes out, he "guesses" [his word] that when I install the upgrade I will lose my custom layouts and other customizations in PP&L.  I find this astonishing.  I hope he is misinformed. This would make PP&L unsuitable for my use.  If I can get it working again and it does, in fact, lose customizations when I upgrade, then I will do what I need to do to get this year's jobs printed and then look for another product to use going forward.  

I have already purchased all the supplies I need.  The custom layouts and files are ready to go.  But I have no confidence that I will be able to print these documents in time for the sale that I have committed to.

If anyone has a practical suggestion I would like to hear it.  Other than that, right now I am fresh out of ideas.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this post.

After looking into rolling back to Ventura I have decided not to do it.  Not only would I lose changes to obvious files like spreadsheets and images on my hard drive, but also updates to Adobe Lightroom, one of the messaging apps and data for other apps that I am unable to easily identify.  Software updates will also be lost or scrambled.  Rolling back would cause too much havoc.  I have one big show a year and now I have only 50% of the inventory I need for it.  I have already purchased the paper and ink and packaging and have been confirmed in the show.  Instead of my big money maker for the year, I am going to take a big loss unless Canon gets an upgrade out to support Sonoma 14.0 for PP&L soon.
