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shutter release not working S100



I am suddenly having problems with my S100. It will not take the picture when I press the shutter release. In case I had accidentally changed something, I did a Reset to Defaults. Then it worked, briefly, before returning to not working. It also would not let me change My Colors.  Everything else seems to be working fine.  Any ideas?

575 REPLIES 575

Wouldn't that be something. Turn blink detection back on and see if the problem returns.

That is interesting. I want to report back about my "warming technique". My S100 has been working about half of the time without any warming. One day it would click all the time...with a slight press of the release. Another day, it would click for the first picture and then quit. In other words it has come back to life with a bad temper. To put it simply...sporadic! It works now at least sometimes verses not at all for a long long time before the 5 minute warm up. Like tonight, I took it out to get a picture of my wife cutting the birthday cake, it took a great picture and then immediately quit afterwards. Fortunately, a second take was not important because the first one looked great, ha, ha what a camera! I am almost tempted to get the Canon G9X for US$264.99 (refurbished) from the US Canon website with coupon code "FEBFLASH".

Turning off Blink Detection solved my S100 shutter problem

Yes turn it back on and see if it was a coincedence or a fix

So far a coincidence.  I turned the blink detection on and the camera shutter still working.  I will keep testing it for a few days.  

Keep your fingers crossed! I bought a used  working S100 for 3 reasons one was I got a Canon waterproof housing at a real cheap price for water and underwater shots, the price for the camera was also cheap and lastly there is a wealth of information on how to fix it now because of the chronic shutter problem. Last time I looked the shutter release problem thread was the second longest thread in the forum.

... and yet according to Canon it is not a know defect.

incredible! The old CYA

Looks like there is no where one can get the spare part #7226 020. I am heading for Japan in a few more weeks and see if I have any luck there. However, I just found a guy who made a hack repair on his S100 shutter switch. If I come to a dead end, I may try that too. His simply soldered the "double layer switch: one for focusing and one for taking picture" together to make it work. So it will focus and take the picture at the same time. Here is his link. I am not sure if this has been posting in this site before or not. [Mod Note: Link removed per Forum Guidelines]


See this is another reason why I bought a used working S100 which still works, there is plenty of repair info out there!

One thing came to mind after reading his "fix" which I would consider instead of having  it focus and shoot at the same time. Instead of jumpering out the exposure side of that switch in paralell with the focus side why not run the wires out of a small hole drilled thru the top cover then attach them to a small button type switch which could be fixed to the top with glue or even velcro. Then you'd still have the same control over focus with just a seperate switch for exposure nearby?

Just a thought
