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shutter release not working S100



I am suddenly having problems with my S100. It will not take the picture when I press the shutter release. In case I had accidentally changed something, I did a Reset to Defaults. Then it worked, briefly, before returning to not working. It also would not let me change My Colors.  Everything else seems to be working fine.  Any ideas?

575 REPLIES 575

Whoa wait! So your S100 works now? I think I know what Audio Video Output flap you are talking about. That is on the TOP right side of the camera? The rubbery part? I didn't think you could pry that open.

I'm willing to try anything at this point...! Thanks for your post I really do want to try this out.

uh omg! it just took a photo!

Uh the camera is all foggy now is this normal??

Wow, how did you think to blow the side of your camera...? My S100 is taking photos again. I am not joking. Not going to lie I honestly thought you made a joke post here (sorry) but I was willing to try it :). It's slowly de-fogging and hopefully once it's totally unfogs it can take photos again. And how is this working now in the first place? I am utterly confused and also quite happy you posted your solution here. There's hope for the sad S100 owners of this forum!!

Oh my lordy. I did exactly as socaljd suggested. A couple of big huffs and the camera fogged up totally. I left the lens extended and took the battery out. Let it all de-fog for half an hour. And now my S100 is working again. It's only been a few hours....but so far so good. Remarkable. THANKS SOCALJD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I left mine to defog. Turned it on and it was still having the same problem for the first 5s but then took photos after... So definitely much better than its previous situation!!

I'll keep you updated as I'm going to take my s100 again for a test run this week.

Others: would be curious if the solution works for you???

If this solution works for you don't forget to give this user socaljd a kudos!!! I gave you a kudos , socaljd. You rock...

You should email CANON and get some canon credits or something for finding a solution. I will back you up on this and I'm sure so would other users. You at least found some sort of solution that may work and that's really helping canon out too. They'd be pleased!

Hey Ian, does your s100 work? I gave it a few hours rest and it is not working again! 😞

I tried to give it a few huffs again and now it works. So I'm guessing I'll have to do this everytime to get the S100 to work? It's kind of funny! I suppose I'll just have to do this everytime I embark on a new trip 😛 This is going to be very hard to take spontaneous pictures...

Touch wood, it's still working. One kiss of life is all mine required
