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forgot to format sd card


I pulled a card out of a S3 and put it in SX120. Not thinking, I went on and shot pictures at family party. Now, when I connect camera to computer, nothing happens. Zoombrowser does not ask to import pictures. I can open Zoombrowser manually, but it only shows PICS from the S3.  Zoombrowser does not show the PICS taken with the SX120. The new PICS are viewable in the SX120 camera. 


What can I do to download the PICS to computer? I have not tried putting the card back in the S3. 


Please help. I actually want to save these pictures.


@cicopo wrote:

Use a Google search & find a program called Picasa. It's likely all you'll need & it's a free download. Works very well but unfortunately Google has dropped it so there won't be further updates down the road but in general that shouldn't affect you for a year or 2 & maybe longer. Free & easy to use.

Irfanview was still being updated as of earlier this year. And while I haven't used either one of them much, my impression is that Irfanview is more straightforward and easier to learn than Picasa.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

I've used Irfenview for some things but not editing. I've been using Picasa for roughly 8 years & do most of my event edits using it. Once you master a work flow in any program it's hard to switch to another but Picasa has worked out very well for me. Unfortunately Google gave up on the Web Album side of Picasa forcing me to move my past & future event coverage to Flickr which is OK but I'm still having issues with it as I learn how it all works. Sharing links is different in some of the forums I participate in so something that works at one is dead at another.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."