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Problems with S100 images


I have had an S100 for a couple of years with no problems.  Recently it started taking odd pictures,  All the pictures I take come out with similar problems.  I have replaced the SD and made sure the firmware is up to date but it still will not take normal pictures.  Any ideas what the problem may be? 




The first thing I would try is to reset the camera to factory defaults by going to the Wrench/Hammer menu, going to the bottom and pressing "Reset all".  If that doesn't work, remove the battery and leave it out for 24-48 hours, then try it again.  Also, if the battery is more than 2 years old, it might be worth getting a new one.


If those don't work, I'm stumped.


A couple of things come to mind when I look at the photo. There could be an issue with the white balance control that might be resolved with recalibration.This is a little involved, but is detailed in the owners manual.


Do you use Auto White Balance, and if so, have you tried a custom white balance to see if that helps? What I suspect though, is the flash bulb might be at fault here too. It looks like the temperature range of the flash bulb might have changed through weakening of the flash unit. This could be from a battery that is old and lacks sufficient voltage to fire the flash at the right value. Unless of course you don't use flash, in which case the sensor or processor could be at fault. Since sensors are pretty rugged, I would suspect the processor first. You don't mention if you shoot in RAW or not, so I'll assume you don't. Try shooting a few photos in RAW format since this won't use the processor of the camera. see if the photos look better. If they do, then the Digic processor is most likely at fault and would need to be replaced. If the results are the same in RAW as JPEG, then the sensor might be the issue. Either way, the camera would need some attention by Canon service center.


Steve M.

Switching to RAW format removes the issue,  I will send to canon for repair, thanks for the info!

You're welcome. If the cost of repair is too high, you can always shoot in RAW and convert the photos to JPEG's with the Digital Photo Professional software from Canon. It's free, and not all that hard to use. It's a little inconvenient, so hopefully the repair cost will be minimal to you.


Steve M.
