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PowerShot SX60 HS Lens Recommendation


Hello.. I have a PowerShot SX60 HS and I need lens recommendations. I’m not looking for something professional, just an upgrade for the original lens.


Can someone please help me?


Good morning, John 

No, I did not. I do have some old pictures online, but they are on a different site. 

I could share the link if you would like to see them.


Where do you live? I wish it was raining here, we need some of that. 

@TTMartin wrote:

@Waddizzle wrote:


All that I see are photos of the Moon.


Welcome back.  I see you are still the same mean person.




Actually, Tom, you are the one who did not read all of the posts.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

@Waddizzle wrote:

All that I see are photos of the Moon. <<< Smart ass remark worthy of a smart ass reply

@TTMartin wrote:


@Waddizzle wrote:


Welcome back.  I see you are still the same mean person. <<< Pot/Kettle




Actually, Tom, you are the one who did not read all of the posts. <<< Where does that say he has pictures on his profile of anything other than the moon? It just says the camera is capable of it. The later post says he has pictures of the moon on his profile.


I uploaded more of the pictures I took when I looked at the images I had I noticed many were missing.Many of my favorite ones. Outside of some cropping I did not do any post processing. I also did not know that the attachments I sent in my old replies were being saved? How do I prevent that?



Nothing specific, just wanted to make my camera even better. But it is pretty great as it is. 


Thank you for your time! 


I have the two models sx40 and sx60 beautiful cameras, I do sometimes clip on  a macro lens when I want to take images up close, I also took fantastic pictures with both cameras of the moon and wild life.
I use them more often than my DSLrs 5D classic, 5d M2, M3 and my two mirrorless cameras, I somehow prefer them, they are just easy to use and they render great image quality even in low-light conditions. The only downside to the sx60 could do with a slightly wider aperture like a f1.8 at least. 
But then again the BSI sensor is a smaller sensor than most cameras (1/2.3-inch) 6.17mm x 4.55mm, it's much smaller than an average APS-c sensor.

But it's still a great camera. I just love them.
I think they are underrated and it's a shame.
