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PowerShot SX60 HS Lens Recommendation


Hello.. I have a PowerShot SX60 HS and I need lens recommendations. I’m not looking for something professional, just an upgrade for the original lens.


Can someone please help me?


Hi Rossy, I bet they are! I have the previous model the SX50 and have captured some really amazing shots of the moon both at night and during the day


Do you have your pictures somewhere? It would be nice to see them, if possible.

Yes, I have some on my profile here, page 1 of my pictures. I think if you click on my name it will get you there

@John_ wrote:

Yes, I have some on my profile here, page 1 of my pictures. I think if you click on my name it will get you there

All that I see are photos of the Moon.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

@Waddizzle wrote:


All that I see are photos of the Moon.


Moon Wazx.JPG

Yes pictures of the moon, I had a couple of them printed on frameless canvas, the ones at night. The ones I took during the day are overly blue but that is exactly how it looked. The close-ups are at around 100X I would have to mortgage my house to buy a lens with that kind of zoom. I remember that post about that long Canon zoom lens that only a few were produced and B&H has one that is worth $180,000

I uploaded more of the pictures I took when I looked at the images I had I noticed many were missing.Many of my favorite ones. Outside of some cropping I did not do any post processing. I also did not know that the attachments I sent in my old replies were being saved? How do I prevent that?

Well, we were talking about  pictures of the moon.


Nice pictures, John.

I saw them last night, I just didn’t reply anymore because I fell asleep. Long day at work. 

Thank you, I put the other pictures that I liked more on here today. Don't work too hard! 

@TTMartin wrote:

@Waddizzle wrote:


All that I see are photos of the Moon.


Welcome back.  I see you are still the same mean person.




Actually, Tom, you are the one who did not read all of the posts.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."