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G15 Black Screen


My screen has gone completely black, it lights up when I turn it on so it is still functioning but not displaying any image. I am under impression that resetting the camera will fix this, is there a way to reset it without being able to see the menu navigation?





You can try using the AV out port and hook it to a tv or monitor...Im not sure if the menus will diplay but it's more a try.

Also you can try removing the battery and the date/time button battery then holding down the power switch for at least 45 seconds.

Have you tried pressing the display switche to toggle thru the display option too?

Thanks John, I will try an AV link & removing all batteries. No luck with the display switch button. 


I hae the same problem.  Did you fix it and if so how?

I have same problem  . Any help would be appreciated  Elph 110


@mrbenstevenson wrote:

My screen has gone completely black, it lights up when I turn it on so it is still functioning but not displaying any image.

Happened out of the blue - whilst Im sure there will be a service mode button press somewhere, I couldn't find reference to it. So I had output via HDMI, put a in blank card, the camera was taking pictures and there was playback too on the remote screen, just nothing on the back of the camera, no menus, but there was a hint of backlight. Hmm. Still could be a lockup in the display section. the "Reset all menus" did not bring it back.


Given that there was nothing traumatic that had happened to the camera, after searching the net, I found a disassembly guide for the G16 on ifixit. As its later sibling, they share the same display, so at a whim it was decided to pull it apart. The disassembly instructions for the G16 almost matched the G15 - only difference was there are two less screws to take out, and the small menu/control board cable locks into a different spot, but otherwise it is substantially the same.


I disconnected the LCD display from the camera just as if I was going to replace it, then carefully reconnected it and put the control/menu board back in place. Whatever that did, the screen came to life again when I put the battery back in.


You can only try.  & I have no idea why or what happened, but it came back. Hope this may help someone else

This comment helped me a lot.

Had a G15 for the past 5 years and in 2016 my camera fell from a cheap tripod and the screen went black.

I still took pictures, and continued the session as well. But I never touched the camera again.

Till today, when I read your entry, I had the same issue.

Black screen, nothing else.

I decided to pull it apart and try to disconnect-connect the screen. Thank God I had a guide from where to start.

I had nothing to lose, right?

So I ended up reviving my camera and I'm happy I can take photos and record videos again naturally.

My relief was just so big, thanks so much for this entry, it saved my life.


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! One of our company cameras, a Powershot G15 had the same problem. I was able to follow the iFixit G16 disassembly instructions. I then unplugged and re-plugged the display, and voila! IT WORKED. Saved us a lot of money in repairs or replacement. Only took about 30 minutes. AND my co-workers think I'm a friggin genius! Thanks again! Most grateful.


@mrbenstevenson wrote:

My screen has gone completely black, kodi it lights up when I turn it on so it is still functioning but not displaying any image. I am under impression that resetting the camera will fix this, is there a way to reset it without being able to see the menu navigation?



I think I am also facing this issue. Did you get any proper solution?
