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Customizing Display Information: Logic of Active/Non-Active Icons Options?

Rising Star

I’m attempting to understand the Logic and value of On and Off of these. Could somebody clarify what’s happening or the value of Selecting each of these four, please?


I’ve annotated those 1 and 2 on a BLACK Background and then 1 and 2 on a WHITE Background. I’d dearly love to hear any explanation for the differences. I can’t appreciate these nuances and I would truly like to. 🤔



Ahah! And NOW I have what I want! I have a Button that will remove everything I don’t wish to crowd my framing and prevent from the actual work AND on a SINGLE Push, brings it all back.


OK, some NBs:


NB1: As I very rarely use the EVF I’ve deselected BOTH options in Menu. This has the fortunate result of the Display Button 19 acting as a ON/OFF Button for the Icons. So I’ve repurposed or turned the “cycling” option into an ON/OFF Button instead. Marvellous!


NB2: These Settings DO NOT get retained in my C1 and C2 options. I have to save these NEW LCD Settings to them too. No biggie, but I just checked and, yes, they aren’t activated UNTIL I save them too. Also, switching between modes, MOVIE, C1 or C2. This makes logical sense and indicates Canon’s appreciation of the need to keep the cascade of functionality “honest”.


So, John, job done. Thank you. It’s been fun. 📸

My pleasure Grazie!  Sounds like you are all set!!  

@Grazie wrote:

Yes, on closer inspection of the grapics it is as plain as a pike staff:..

And thanks for introducing me to the expression "plain as a pike staff". These sayings always catch my ear and I had to do a bit of research to translate this one. I'll have to file that one away for future reference. Seems to be the equivalent of the American English expression "plain as the nose on your face".


