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ImageCLASS MF644Cdw - Will Not Power On


I purchased a color imageCLASS MF644Cdw earlier this year, (I believe around May), and it has stopped working all of a sudden. The printer will not power-on at all, I have tried a new power cord and have tried different outlets. When calling tech support/customer service it just goes to a line that sounds like someone set their phone on their desk and walked away, can hear a lot of background noise.

Can anyone help me get in contact with someone who can actually help me?



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello Steele,

If the printer will not power up, you can try unplugging the printer from the power and then pressing the power button 10 times while the printer is unplugged. After that, you can plug the printer into a different power source and you can try turning it on. If it still does not power up, you can contact support over the phone at 1-800-652-2666. Our agents would be happy to help.
