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canoscan 8000f toolbox.

Hello. I cannot install - from the disc - the toolbox for my canoscan 8000f scanner. I have Windows 7. I sometimes get error code 26.0.0. I am beginning to lose faith in Canon. They will not issue a driver for this scanner to run in Windows 8, render...

Canon 8000F scanner on Windows-7 32 bits

Proper drivers for 8000F on W7 are available on the official Canon sites, However, I ( and a lot of perople on teh internet) cannot create a connection; the PC doesn't "see" the scanner. Canon helpdesk said that  a proper driver doesn't exist at all....

Gerard by Apprentice
  • 1 replies

Why all these spam posts about movies?

What is with all the SPAM postings about movies? They appear overnight every morning. Obviously I don't open them. do we know if they are viruses, or pfishing traps or are they just spam ads?Their titles always start with "Watch". Could the mods filt...

ScottyP by Authority
  • 13 replies

Error Message on Printer

I am receiving an error message of "printer head not installed, Install printer head" on my MP520" with a code of U051.  How is this handled? 

iP4700 discontinued?

I have an iP4700 from many years ago.  It is still going strong and I love it.  I was looking to buy another for a Christmas gift but it appears to be discontinued. Is that right and if yes, what is the closest replacement model?  A wireless version ...

lwminton by Apprentice
  • 3 replies

Repair a Canon UC900 Issue

Hello to all, I have got an old Canon UC900. The Problem is, that it is throwing out the cassettes, because of some malfunction (?) "eject cassette". By closing the cassette box without cassette, it seems to pull the box in without a malfunction. So ...

Camera Lens Combination Advice

I have a Canon 60D. About two years ago, I purchased a Tamron 18-270 lens for a" walk around" lens. I've always used only Canon lenses (e.g.., 17-40 f4 l, 70-200 f4 l, etc. ) But I  found that when traveling with others, that it was a bit frustrating...

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