iP4700 discontinued?


I have an iP4700 from many years ago.  It is still going strong and I love it.  I was looking to buy another for a Christmas gift but it appears to be discontinued. 

Is that right and if yes, what is the closest replacement model?  A wireless version would be best.




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Product Expert



Unfortunately, the iP4700 is no longer available. 


A comparable replacement for the iP4700 would be our  PIXMA iP7220.  More information on this unit can be found by using this link.

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This printer does not have the rear photo paper feed.  Is there one that does?

Hi Iwminton,


The PIXMA iP7220 is currently the only wireless single function printer that we have available at this time. Click HERE for a list of our USB single function printers that have the rear paper feed.

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