EOS DSLR & Mirrorless Cameras
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5d IV Focal Plane Tilt?

My questions first: Is it possible that my 5d IV sensor got tilted inside the camera due to a moderate drop? And has ayone had this happen/have any estimate on what it may cost to fix through CPS?  The issue: when shooting primes wide upen (i.e. 50mm...

Read Noise

Anybody know what the Readout noise is for the Canon T1i? I do astrophotographghy and one of the programs I am trying to learn to control my equipment is asking for the Readout Noise of my camera. Thanks

Resolved! Rebel T6I Error message SD card

I have a problem with my camera Rebel T6i - That no longer recognizes my SD card ? It is indicated at the botom of the screen ERR    ISO A  ???? Thats it with all my SD card ? What's happening ?

Martinriv by Apprentice
  • 12 replies

Product photography canon 700d

Hi all, my my wife has started working for a company  on some product photography but is struggling to get the perfect image. Can someone help to get the best image for her. The image is still not sharp and the image of the product and the background...

Herbz100 by Contributor
  • 14 replies

Resolved! Coordinating Images for an Event

I am shooting group photos for a dance event soon, and I will have a lot of images to keep up with, and I am unfamiliar with most of the people. I have an EOS T5i.  Is there a way I can assign images to certain people by say, entering their names?  I...

AF problems EOS 5D mk III

Hi folks,I've been taking everyday pictures for a while now with my EOS 5D mk III, but when I try to take fast photos in the moment they get blurry and AF doesn't perform as I wish. It works fine when holding in the "take picture"-button a little and...

Lundmark by Apprentice
  • 16 replies

Looking into full frame

Good Evening EveryoneI'm new to the Canon world and very excited to be apart of the Canon community.I started out with a Nikon D90 and decided to upgrade to a full-frame camera.I hope I don't come across as an obnoxious newbie, but I figured the best...

Noka by Apprentice
  • 39 replies

Exposure comp not working, only AEB.

So a few weeks a ago I turned on my camera and I went to manual, when I looked, the Exposure comp logo was gray, but the AEB was white and still worked... I have a canon rebel t3. ONLY the AEB works now and the Exposure comp logo is still gray. Can s...

Exposure logo is not working, AEB is

5D IV software upgrade

I have ordered a new 5D mark IV and I am replaceing a Mark III. Does aanyone know if I need to uninstall the current software to install the new Mark IV software? I understand some of it is an upgrade.If I need to uninstall can I put the existing fol...


I have a Canon Rebel T6.  I am interested in learning bracketing.  In the manual it shows me how to do this, however what is shows is not on my camera.  elect [Expo.comp./AEB].1Under the [z2] tab, select[Expo.comp./AEB], then press <0> When I go t...

stargait by Apprentice
  • 3 replies

5D Mark V 4K Raw Video Recording Problem

Hello there...I have a problem. I can not solve. I have 5D mark 4 and I am using Lexar Professional 64GB SD3 XC II 1000x 150MB/s memory card.  But  ''Movie recording has been stopped automatically ''  showing the error and stoped record. Formatted  L...

Custom Quick Control-5DIV: grey items

Hi,I´m editing the Custom Quick Control (5DIV) but some of the items are in grey; cannot use those and I don´t know why ,-(Any clues?Is it related (the available items) to the shooting mode (I usually shoot in Manual mode and Av)?Thank you very much.

Cunha by Rising Star
  • 2 replies
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