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R7 Focus Stacking forces electronic shutter


The R7, and other R series cameras, forces electronic shutter for focus stacking. This prevents the use of flash for focus stacking. There is no really good reason for not allowing mechanical shutter for focus stacking and the choice of which shutter should be left up to the photographer, not the camera. Does anyone know of any workarounds that can allow the use of flash with the built-in focus stacking?



The best work around is to buy some video lighting gear and not use a flash..

I do not see why not using a flash is a major inconvenience. Set the camera to Av mode, ISO to 100, and everything should take care of itself using whatever ambient lighting you have.

Otherwise, you will have to create the focus stacks the old fashioned way, if you want to use a flash. You will have to build the stacks manually. If that is the limitation of the camera feature, then it is what it is.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi rpoole,

The focus stacking function in the EOS R7 cannot be used with a flash. As Waddizzle mentioned we would recommend using something like video lights since they output consistent light through the entire shoot.

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Considering I have multiple high quality flashes, and diffusers, and reflectors that have worked just fine with all DSLRs the switch to the R7 that forces electronic shutter thus no flash usage seems like a downgrade, not an upgrade for focus stacking. Why should I be forced to purchase one or more video lights just to retain the capability I have with my current DSLRs? There just is no reasonable justification to force only electronic shutter for focus stacking. It should be the photographer's choice of which shutter mode to use, not the camera's. So now I have to carry more gear and more weight instead of less gear and less weight when I travel (video lights and flashes with R7 or flashes and both R7 and 7D2). Seems to defeat part of the purpose of upgrading to the R7.


Considering I have multiple high quality flashes, and diffusers, and reflectors that have worked just fine with all DSLRs the switch to the R7 that forces electronic shutter thus no flash usage seems like a downgrade, not an upgrade for focus stacking.

So now I have to carry more gear aof the purpose of upgrading to the R7.

Are your DSLRs able to perform focus stacking with or without a flash?

Why is it necessary to use a flash for focus stacking? As I pointed out above, artificial lighting isn’t required, at all.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I guess you've never done focus stacking in Texas where it can be quite windy during they day.  Doing focus stacks in nature is much easier in the late evenings and night when it is usually much calmer.  Wind deflectors usually aren't enough during strong day time winds so you either have to wait for rare calm days or just wait until night time when it is usually calmer.  I've never had enough natural light to do focus stacks at night thus the required use of artificial light.  I've been using Helicon on my tablet to do focus stacks with my DSLRs and it works quite well but it is more gear you have to carry.  Being able to do it in camera is quite handy and seems to work quite well.  However, it would be nice to have the option of using mechanical shutter when you need to use flash.

Are your DSLRs able to perform focus stacking with or without a flash?” 

I’ll take your non-answer to mean no. Your DSLRs are not able to perform in-camera focus stacking.

Furthermore, your response does not address why the objection to automatic focus stacking being [performed] by the electronic shutter.  I will take that to mean no, also.  It is not necessary to use a mechanical shutter to capture static scenes.

Happy Photography, to you.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Honestly not being able to use flash with focus bracketing is a massive oversight, when doing real Macro photography 1:1 or greater you almost always struggle with light you are so close to the subject you can be causing shadows with your gear, it would be such a simple change to allow this and believe me the macro community would appreciate it.


Can focus bracketing with flash be added with a firmware update? This is a big disappointment.

@hellochando wrote:

Can focus bracketing with flash be added with a firmware update? This is a big disappointment.

Big disappointment?  Are you sure?

 BTW, the use of the electronic shutter has nothing to do with this “issue”.  Going with the electronic shutter, instead of mechanical, means less vibration and sharper images.

Let’s think about how using a flash to perform focus stacking would work, or more accurately would NOT work.  Focus stacking works by capturing a series of images in quick succession as the focus plane is varied according to your settings.  It is not uncommon for a dozen or more images to be capture, if not dozens.

Several images are captured per seconds.  Can a flash or strobe system recharge that quickly?  I seriously doubt that any system can recharge that quickly.  Can yours?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."