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Pink line on all R6 images


A pink line appeared on my screen while shooting on my R6 (less than a year old). unfortunately the line is on the images. Same issue with different cards and it's consistently there. 

I haven't brought it back yet, but my biggest issue is how to fix the images?



I managed to open the folder in rawTherapee now. What do I do from here? Did you do some command to the image or edit it somehow to remove the bad pixels?



As written at RawPedia:

Skärmbild från 2023-01-13 14-26-32.png

So you need to put the badpixel file in the same folder as you dark-frame folder.

So Preferences, Image Processing. Choose a folder for dark-frames. After that you put the badpixel file in that folder and restart RawTherapee.


When you have it up running you can just export to 16 bit Tiff and edit in Lightroom if you prefer that.

Hi Peter! I also have the same problem on my photos taken by 60D. would you please make a tutorial on how to use raw therapee? thank you so much!

how did you generate the .badpixels extension file?

I just right clicked and created a new text file. I also changed the extension from .txt to .badpixels

You can reuse the one from 5DIV and just change the name.

This is my raw photo. . I tried using the 5DMIV but it made the photo look pinkish. My apologies for bothering

I will take a look when I get home.

I downloaded your file. Are you sure the sensor has been hit by laser? It seems like something else. The badpixel list will not work for this. Are the lines moving around or they are always at the same place?

Perhaps a dark frame will work better. Could you take a raw file with lens cap on? ISO 6400, f/5.6 and 1/100 sec. This camera was given to me only. I do not know much of the history, or the owner.  But he gave me 2 batteries, an original and a third-party one. I noticed that those lines appear on the third-party batt. 
