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EOS utility does not start


Running under W7, EOS Utility does not start anymore. Worked properly for a few monthes. Previously had some problems with wifi connection, corrected after unistalling and installing again. Now it wont start anymore (after a W7 update???) . Works fine in another computer running W7. Any suggestions?


Yes, when I downloaded EOS Utility from Canon support pages i got new releases of 2 and 3 and both are running (with AVG disabled) on the same computer.

@mad_marten wrote:

Yes, when I downloaded EOS Utility from Canon support pages i got new releases of 2 and 3 and both are running (with AVG disabled) on the same computer.

The thought occurred to me that having both installed may cause conflict.   Is there a reason you need both installed?  When any of my programs are updated, I usually either uninstall the older version, or the new version uninstalls the previous version when installing the newer version.

I had no choice. Both came with the download. But the ver. 3 does not recognize my 5D Mk II, but the Mk III works vitth ver. 3.

interesting.  thumbs up

@jazzman1 wrote:

@mad_marten wrote:

Yes, when I downloaded EOS Utility from Canon support pages i got new releases of 2 and 3 and both are running (with AVG disabled) on the same computer.

The thought occurred to me that having both installed may cause conflict.   Is there a reason you need both installed?  When any of my programs are updated, I usually either uninstall the older version, or the new version uninstalls the previous version when installing the newer version.

No, NO! When you install Version 3, it automatically installs Version 2, if you don't have it installed already. If you then try to use Version 3 on a camera that it doesn't support, it automatically fails over to Version 2. So you do want both versions installed. Just as you may want both Version 3 and Version 4 of DPP installed (although DPP lacks the automatic failover feature).

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA



I had the same problem and mailed Canon support - no answer yet - and then came across your solution. It worked for me.


But one important question.....what has Windows System Restore got to do with EOS utility? Do you know if AVG disable system restore all the time or is it only related to the EOS utilty?  I would hate it if AVG is compromising my system automatic store points since I have already had store points that were infected.

Thanks a lot!


As far as I know, W7 Restore has no direct connection with EOS Utility failure.

I believe AVG will allways prevent a succesfull Restore, as it blocks changes in W7Registy.

I came to the solution by chance. As some users suggested, I wondered if a W7 update was the cause of the EOS Utility failure to start. So I was trying to restore W7 to a state before this failure. But AVG did not allowed me to a succesful restore W7, as AVG should be inactive when Restore was starting W7 in the version previous to the failure. To get to this point I had to uninstall AVG.

I believe (but I am not sure) that the exceptions are kept by AVG when the antivirus is updated or a new virus list is published.