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EOS Rebel T7 My pictures just vanished


My pictures were there yesterday. I transferred them to my pc. But didn’t save them. I just went to look at something and they are gone! Pluggers camera into computer. They are not there m. Only 10 pictures are there. There were 300 photos and 4 videos! Now all gone! Anyway to recover the files?



Have you checked in the PC's trash? Sorry, this is windows, "recycle bin"?

I did not use any software. Was I supposed to?  I just connected the camera to the computer via a usb cable. I had no move or copy option. Was I supposed to?

after I was done editing and sent them off to my assignment. I deleted the files off of the computer. NOT the camera. The camera was not even on or connected. And no the files are not in the recycle bin of the laptop. I checked.  I have never had this issue with any of my previous  canon cameras. After transfer things they  always just stayed on the memory card.  the folder on the camera is empty. When I looked at it on 3 other devices only 7 pictures are there out of 300 and 5 videos.  So all is lost then?  but what did I do wrong with the transfer?  Will a recovery program even do anything?

thank you for all your help. I appreciate it. 



Hello, Tinamarie!

Whats confusing to most of us, at least me, is you keep using the term "transferred". To me, that means "moved", so we just might have a contradiction in terms here and it's confusing to give you assistance with your initial problem that your data is no longer on the SD card because we don't know the steps you went through to get the files on your PC.

I understand that you just connected the camera to the PC with a USB cable, and that's fine. The PC should see that as a drive with a name and allow you to move, copy, or delete images on that drive. Sorry if I describe stuff you already know, but your methodology is pretty vague TBO. Anyway, to Waddizzles point, you should use your right mouse button to perform any action of copy/move because it will not perform the task unless you select the action from the menu that appears when you release the right mouse button. Another good option is to use the menus in file explorer to copy, move, or delete. Drag and drop, although convenient, can cause various problems like misplaced files. As an X systems administrator, I had to deal with this on a weekly basis as users would drag files and they would mysteriously disappear. Although I would eventually find the missing files, it required a search of my server only to find the file in the wrong folder or some such. Not that this is your problem, just an example of the many things that can go wrong with drag/drop, if indeed that is what you did, we just don't know.

As to John's (jrhoffman75) point, the card may have been corrupted if you didn't eject it using the windows command to release the drive/device. You may get away with this hundreds of times with no ill effects, but it just takes one time to corrupt the cards memory. By not ejecting the device in Windows, you could interrupt the process of writing info to the file allocation table (FAT) which keeps track of where the clusters of memory are that store your files/images. I'm speaking from experience here, as it's happened to me with an external HDD.

As to recovering the data, there are several on the market. Most have a free trial and will either recover a certain amount of data or will show you what it recovered and want a fee for the software, it's usually inexpensive and they offer different price structures for home or pro use. I've used Rovoverit, and it did a good job on one of my external drives.

I'm sorry if I've covered stuff you already know or do, but as mentioned, your methodology is a bit vague, at least to me 🙂


sorry. When I connect any camera a little pop up appears that says whatever device I have connected. I click that…  then another pop up says import photos. Click that. Select the folder named Tina on my desktop top. Pictures. Automatically go in there.  When photos are completed in transfer I click done. Turn off camera unplug from pc.  That’s the way I have always done it. Photos have always remained on the card without isues.  So I am confused on this.  I took them off the computer when I was done editing and sending them to my assignment. They were NOT deleted from the camera.

i get it. I appreciate any and all the help from everyone.
