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EOS Rebel SL1 How to access mode settings



I have a Canon EOS Rebel SL1 and when I click on the button with the camera icon on it the first time I see the settings appear. I should be able to press it a 2nd time and see the mode settings on the screen. However, it goes black when I do it the 2nd time. Is there a setting or something I can do to make that screen appear? The other Canon EOS SL1 has this function and displays the correct screens. I included a photo of what the 2nd screen should look like. Any help would be appreciated.




The button with the camera icon should turn live view on and off. Take the lens cap off the camera.



When you say, "mode settings", did you mean that you want to change things like your shutter speed, or aperture?

If that's what you meant, then you don't press the button with the little camera icon, you press the Q button, which is located in the middle of the big round dial in the bottom right hand corner on the back of your camera. The word SET in kind of prominent, and you can see the letter Q just above it if you look closely.

Steve Thomas


Thank you for your response. I don't exactly need to change those options but I do know how to do that. The picture I posted above (I don't know what to call that view) is what I want the camera to show. I work at a high school and all of the other cameras (same model) display that screen so that we can easily edit all of those options at a glance. I hope that made sense. Yes, the lens cap is off the camera. The second time I click the button with the camera icon it should display that menu. 

Again, the button with the camera icon turns on live view or starts movie shooting.


Pressing the Set/Q button as stevet1 mentioned can bring up one of two screens depending on shooting mode:


That is correct. However, the creative zone modes are not working. That snip of the screen to the right with the P will not display. It is a blank screen.  That is what I need resolved for the camera.

Does it display when you hit the Set button?

All I can suggest is to reset the camera to its defaults.


When you first turn on your camera, it should look like the picture you showed.

As kvbarkley said, if you press the little camera icon, your viewfinder gets disabled, and your camera goes into Live View, where the scene in front of you is displayed on your LCD screen. If you press that little button again, your camera revertsback to viewfinder shooting and all your settings are displayed on the LCD screen.

If all of the other cameras in your Department are behaving properly, and this one isn't, you either have a faulty camera, or something got changed in the settings.

Try resetting your camera back to its default as he suggested, and if that doesn't work, think about sending it in for repairs.

Steve Thomas


Try pressing the INFO button on the top left side to the left of the viewfinder to switch the different displays.


EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --

Thank you for responding. No, it does not display when I hit the Set button.
