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EOS 7D Mark II Missing Menu Settings


I have somehow deleted part of the menu settings. is there a way to download them back from the internet to my camera?




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Not applicable

What do you mean by menu settings are deleted? Are you missing menu items? If so, put your camera in P mode to see more menu items for still photos or video mode for movie menu items.

Some menu items only show in certain camera modes.


I have the 7D mark II and the only "mode" that doesn't show all menu items is the Green A+ mode. Is that what you are using?

As far as I know, there is no way for a user to remove or install menu items, short of changing to A+ (on the 7DII) and that just hides them, it doesn't delete them. If you are in P, TV, AV, M, or B(bulb), then all of your menu items should be shown. Besides A+ and custom settings on the mode dial like C1, C2, and C3, those are the only "mode" options for your camera.

You may need to reset your camera back to factory defaults if menus are missing in modes besides A+, and that includes any custom settings.


This is  A+ auto setting. I don’t have the 4th tan to reset my camera to default


 Here is P and I don’t have any setting except this tan. If I can’t delete them please tell me how to get it back. 


Yes I am. See my pictures I posted on another reply 

Oh I did in the original post. I have the Canon 7D Mark ii. 

Not applicable

That is your custom menus that you program to what you want it to show. You will have to program what items that you want to show in your custom menu. You cannot download it from the internet. See your manual for how to program the custom menu. See below from the camera manual:

Screenshot 2023-10-14 161902.jpg

But I do t have the option to even reset anything to factory anymore like I did once before. That’s what I’m trying to ask for advice
