Canon Rebel T5i LCD Screen Issues


So, my problem is when I put my camera in picture mode and where normally see all of the exposure settings, I have a blank, black screen. Everything else works fine. I can go into settings and preview pictures that I took and I can switch to live-view mode and take video and all that. But when I go back to taking pictures I got nothin'. It won't even show a preview of the picture I just took. I made sure the viewfinder was all the way down and not covering the sensor too. I've switched the camera on and off a dozen times and even switched the battery. One weird thing, though: in frustration, I closed the LCD screen a little harder than I should have. When I opened it again, there was the screen for making my settings! I changed some of the exposure settings just fine, snapped a picture, and...gone. Nothing. Blank again. I closed and opened it again and it popped back up. Then I took another picture and it was gone again. I tried this several times and it wasn't exactly consistent. Sometimes it came back. Other times it didn't. But other than that, the screen is working fine. The touch screen functions still work too. Any help would be appreciated!



"I made sure the viewfinder was all the way down and not covering the sensor too."


I find that statement a little disturbing, because I cannot be certain what you're talking about.  The viewfinder doesn't move, but the mirror does move.  The only moving parts in the camera are the mirror and the shutter mechanisms.  As a general rule, the average user should never touch either on of them.


Your description sounds like a loose connection, or some other intermittent electro-mechanical failure, associated with your LCD.  I would contact Canon U.S. Support at 1-800-OK-CANON.  Sounds like your camera needs a repair..

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

@Waddizzle wrote:

"I made sure the viewfinder was all the way down and not covering the sensor too."


I find that statement a little disturbing, because I cannot be certain what you're talking about.  The viewfinder doesn't move, but the mirror does move.  The only moving parts in the camera are the mirror and the shutter mechanisms.  As a general rule, the average user should never touch either on of them.


Your description sounds like a loose connection, or some other intermittent electro-mechanical failure, associated with your LCD.  I would contact Canon U.S. Support at 1-800-OK-CANON.  Sounds like your camera needs a repair..

I think he means that he checked to make sure the mirror is up and out of the way, as of course it should be in live view mode. In any case, your analysis of the problem sounds correct.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

It's the little piece that slides up and you can take it off that I think is also called the eyepiece. There's a sensor that detects when your face is against the camera that has caused a similar problem for some people in my research to figure out what is wrong.

@Jonathanlindsay wrote:
It's the little piece that slides up and you can take it off that I think is also called the eyepiece. There's a sensor that detects when your face is against the camera that has caused a similar problem for some people in my research to figure out what is wrong.

Hmm.  Okay, I'll assume that you've read up on how to check and preperly seat it.  Contact Canon for help.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."