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T3i stops transmitting over Hdmi

Hi! So... I was trying to set my camera for a magician. I connected the camera over hdmi to a projector and disabled the "auto power off" function and set it to manual live view. Turns up it stopped after about 30 minutes. When i went check it, it took pictures as if nothing had happened, but what called my attention is that i could hear the mirror when doing so when I pressed the shutter (tried switching from the viewfinder to live view, but nothing happened for a while, it came back to normal after a couple minutes). Any ideas of why that could happen?

Hi! So... I was trying to set my camera for a magician. I connected the camera over hdmi to a projector and disabled the "auto power off" function and set it to manual live view. Turns up it stopped after about 30 minutes. When i went check it, it took pictures as if nothing had happened, but what called my attention is that i could hear the mirror when doing so when I pressed the shutter (tried switching from the viewfinder to live view, but nothing happened for a while, it came back to normal after a couple minutes). Any ideas of why that could happen?

Was the camera recording for those 30 minutes? No DSLR can record for more than 30 minutes, or it would be taxed as a video camera by certain jurisdictions where video cameras are more heavily taxed than still cameras.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

It was in "M" mode, not video. Didn't know that, though. Thank you 🙂