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Canon R5C custom white balance modes do not work



I have a new canon r5c that I just purchased. I am having issues with the Set A and Set B modes for the custom white balance. When I point at my grey card, I have made sure it covers enough of the screen and when I select the white balance modes nothing happens. I have seen videos of other R5C's and I notice the white balance will start to blink as its searching/setting the white balance. It seems like I have tried everything. When I select either mode, this white balance in the corner of the screen does not blink or do anything. It just stays at 5600k the entire time. I saw another video that someone said you need to make sure you have not messed around with any of the custom profile settings under clog 3. I even reset it to make sure there wasn't anything that I did. I am unsure what to do here. Please let me know if anyone else has had this issue. Thanks! 



For whatever reason, I reset my cameras programmable buttons and now it works again. I hope if this happens to anyone else this can help them. 
