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Streaming best practices for C500mii on silicon Mac


I want to enable my #c500mii to stream via our company Zoom enterprise account. This is easy with Sony A7rii with their cam utility, but Canon seems to only be PC, and not support the cinema line

1. Via OBS: the open source software seems straightforward to me - do I need a capture card? If so, what has worked best

2. using Ecam: anybody used this app? It's about 400 a year for pro ... does this ned capture card?

Thanks - I have a Roland switcher to use as interface and am plugging into a Apple M2 Max, 64 gig, running 15.2


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi bretkerr,

Through Canon support we only have information on products and software made by Canon, so we do not have information on what requirements OBS or Ecam may have. For assistance with non-Canon software and equipment we would recommend contacting the maker of the software and equipment.

For our cinema cameras you will not be able to get an HDMI signal if you connect the camera directly to a computer. You will need a capture card to output the video to your streaming app. Since we do not make capture cards or capture software there aren't specific ones we can recommend through Canon support.
