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6D MK2 focussing issue




I'm experiencing an issue with focus that I can't figure out if it is a malfunction or wrong settings.


Current settings are:


Manual mode

Center Spot AF


Sometimes, I half-press shutter button to focus on my subject and when I fully press the shutter button, focus unlocks and wait till it focuses again and when is does, shutter is released.


This is a disaster if you focus and recompose to take the photo decause except for the lag, your focus is then on the recomposed spot and not on the subject.


Any clue?


@wq9nsc wrote:


Did it suddenly start randomly doing this?  It could be an issue with the shutter release button itself where the contact is intermittent at the half depressed position causing it to drop out of focus lock mode.  What is the focus indicator annunciator showing in the viewfinder while you are holding the shutter release at the halfway point?



I have the camera since July 2019 but I noticed this issue the last month. I'm quite sure it didin't occur from the very beginning.


The indicator in the VF appears in half-press showing focus lock but goes off when pressing all the way.

@Ray-uk wrote:

It sounds to me that you are releasing the pressure slightly and losing the focus lock without realising it.


If you want to focus and recompose then you are much better setting the camera up for back button focus and taking focus off the shutter button.

I never had a similar issue in my 5-year career with any of my previous or present bodies (700D, 70D, 6D)


I even have burst always on controlling by my press if I burst or single shoot!

@Waddizzle wrote:
The focus locked icon should go away when you fully press the shutter, but not before you fully press down.  Could you be lifting your finger slightly as you get ready to fully press the shutter button?  This is easy to do when you move the camera to recompose a shot.


The icon should go off AFTER shutter release. Instead I get the icon off but no shutter release until it focuses again.


There is no way it is my fault as this is the way I'm professionally shooting for 5 years and never had an issue before.

Maybe the shutter in the 6D2 has a different touch, although it feels identical to the 6D to me.  Try test shots using the [AF-ON] button, but I can understand not wanting to change your flow when you're shooting.  


If all else fails, contact Canon Support and have them check the shutter.  It sounds like it should still be under warranty.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I'm not used to using additional buttons when I shoot so this would be a big thing to start doing.


I feel confident that I know my equipment but I just wanted to see if there is anything in the settings I might be missing...


I really think it is a malfunction but it's always good to ask for an extra opinion. Smiley Happy

I agree that it sounds like equipment malfunction, I am not aware of any setting that would change the behavior of the focus lock function.


I have tried but failed to like back button focus, it never grew to feel natural for me and using two camera bodies at fast moving sports events I don't need any additional complications which is what back button caused for me.  I do make good use of the handy focus stop buttons on Canon's long white telephotos which are extremely useful.





EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video

@wq9nsc wrote:

I do make good use of the handy focus stop buttons on Canon's long white telephotos which are extremely useful.





Having an [AF-OFF] button function is very useful.  Except not every lens has one of those switches, which is exactly why I like to program the "BBF' button to be [AF-OFF].  It causes many people to scratch their head and argue that I should use it to turn on AF, not to turn off AF.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."



That is the same way I use the AF button although I admit I didn't think about it until I had my camera for over a year 😞


I reassigned it on both bodies after I realized I didn't like BBF.  I don't know why, but the stop buttons on the long lens seem handier to me when shooting but for most sports events the 70-200 2.8 lives on the second body and back button stop works great with that setup.


One of the new features for the 1DX III is the smart AF points setup button that allows fast selection of AF points but during a game I rarely want to change the AF setup while focus, lock, and recompose is very fast and works for me and gets used frequently each event. 



EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video