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error 9923


Trying to scan  (MX920) on my MacBook Air with OSX  10.11.2

This has worked with no problem before.  Now I try to get into the scanner through various methods and get the same error:

"An error occurred while communicating with the scanner. (-9923)"


It is printing fine. Connected via WiFi.

I have restarted both the printer and computer more than once. No change.


Are you on a Mac or a PC? I discovered that I have to be on WiFi if I'm on a Mac. Can't use my hard-wired connection to the network.


Are you a Mac or a PC?  I am on a MAC.  If you have a MAC, I suggest trying to use Preview to scan.  When I use Preview I get a import from Canon TS910 servies. This is not the fix, but it maybe a workaround.  

Dendyke,  I am using a Mac on my wireless network. I am not having a problem now after I shut off my IP v6.  I had a temporary problem the other week after I update the firmware on the printer.  This time I rechecked that I have turned off IP v6 after the fiirmware update by turning it off again.  I also deleted and readded the printer.  That seemed to do the trick for me.  I am not certain if geoccar is Mac or PC.  HOw about you?  Are you PC or Mac?


i'm fixed this error. Need disabled IPv6 in settings.

This is the answer. Works for my Canon ts9120 and OS Mojave when getting the error 9923 for scanning.

Amazing!  So thankful to you!

I never would have known to go to IPv6!

Any idea why it had stopped being disabled?  Good grief that was buried!

THANK YOU for taking the time to deliniate the exact steps!



Same here, I can print fine but trying to scan throws "error 9923".


Running OSX Mojave 10.14.6 with a TR7520 over LAN.

Well 2 years later and the problem is still not fixed with Canon and Mac. I disabled the protocol and it worked. Thanks so much!

Excellent. I've been trying to get the scanner working for two years now. 
