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can someone please help me with pixma mx340 drivers and firmwere


hi i have a pixma mx 340 i have been trying everything under the sun to work this printer i bought it second hand and it did not come with installation  cd , and everytime i find a set of drivers they are infected with vireses so please couls someone help me with drivers and firmwere


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi kinghillbilly,


The latest drivers for your PIXMA MX340 are available for download from Canon's web site.  To access the downloads, please follow these steps:


 1.  Visit Canon's website at:


 2.  Type PIXMA MX340 in the "Enter a Model Name" box and click the Get Drivers & Downloads button.


The available downloads will be found under the "Recommended Downloads", "Drivers" and "Software" tabs.


Today I discovered the Canon Pixma MX340 IJ printer is no longer supported by Canon.

My PC crashed and the OS has been restored however, it has also been reduced to Win7.

I have the original driver for the Pixma that I will reinstall and I am wondering what the latest driver was that Canon released for this model and which sites exist where I may find a clean copy of the driver to update to at least Win10, if possible.

I recognize and understand that this printer is a fully functional, if old, model. It is my personal belief that forced obsolescence is wasteful and short-sighted hence my query.

Hi JBinSoCal,

Please use this link:

Once that page loads, please click the download button to the right of "MX340 series MP Driver Ver 1.06 (Windows)".  When the download is complete, please open your Downloads folder and double click "mp68-win-mx340-1_06-ea24.exe" to install your PIXMA MX340 on your Windows 10 computer.




