Desktop Inkjet Printers
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XPS driver...?

Hello! Hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Christmas!!! I just got a Canon MG5422 and I already have it setup with my router and iPhone and have even printed photos & documents from my phone, everything works. But now I am installing it on my computer (Win...

canon printer 892 turn off printer and back on

I have a Canon MX 892 that has two issues.1. I get this when I try to print,,, Turn printer off then turn  printer  back on.  If this problem persist call tech support.2.When my printer is printing it prints for about 15 seconds then stopes for about...

RHM by Apprentice
  • 3 replies

ADF jammed in ImageClass MF4890dw

Sorry for the double post - I notice my original post was in the wrong forum. I have some paper jammed in the automatic document feeder on my MF4890dw.  I followed the steps in the support dicument (

Scanner error

Hello everyone, I´m using a Canon iR C4580 and I have no problems printing but the scan isn´t working it always gives this error:"Canon WIA Network ScanGear DriverA system error has occurred. Check the scanner or computer status". The scanner is alre...

Whocares by Apprentice
  • 0 replies

Canon mg3100 not scanningError code 5,157,61

Canon mg 3100 not scanningErrorCannot scan for these reasons :-(if using LAN connection) it is disconnected from LAN-(if using wireless LAN connection) signal strength is poor due to obstruction-network connection is prohibited by security software-d...

Canon MG3250 connection problem.

Hi, I have a Canon MG3250 all in one that is 2 weeks old. Yesterday I updated my desk top operating system to Windows 7 from XP and now I can't get the printer to print. The scanner works fine. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers, do...

Canon Pixma MG7120 no G tray???

I purchased the new Canon Pixma MG7120 yesterday. All descriptions of this printer state that is can print on CDs and DVDs and that indeed a tray comes with the printer. Much to my dismay when I opened the box there was no G tray in it. Does any one ...

double vision printing

Hi: I have a Cannon Pixma 3100 series printer which seems to be printing in a double vision. The lines and words are all where they should be. I've done the head alignment, nozzel check and all that stuff but it won't fix it. Please help.

Canon Pixma mx452 error code 5011

Hi,I bought my printer a couple of months ago and it worked fine. Until a few days ago it just broke down with a code error 5011...I came home turned it on and 'beep beep beep'. I am unsure what happened. I know I was running low on ink so I bought i...

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