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U052 Printhead Problem MX870


Stopped printing while in the middle of a big job with full ink tanks, then when turned back on, gave the dreaded U052 print head error message.  I have tried everything given by Canon to re-start the printer, nothing works.


It dawns on me that maybe my ink tank stopped feeding ink despite the tank being full- the vent hole might not have been open all the way to allow ink to pass through.


I'm wondering whether this could somehow mess up the printhead, maybe it needs ink to keep it cool during operation or something??


It's completely aggravating that it stopped as it has and now that prevents even the scanner or fax from working-- this seems like a bad design.


Does anyone know whether the print head can be messed up if the tank stops feeding ink while in the middle of a print job?


Thanks!  And if you know that answer, then what do you do to get printer working again??




I did not aware of the time bomb as my mx870 served me well. I feel sorry to throw away a big box of ink. I bought 3 more mx920 at different time and they ok so far as I did not print as much as before. Maybe I will not reach the time bomb before other issue arise. Thanks and will watch out for it.

Cheers eddytsang. I honestly believe the error is a delibarate move by Canon and I will NEVER buy another Canon product because of this. Good luck with your other printers. My Epson gear is all running perfectly and I'm happy to be rid of my Canon gear for good.

Sorry Isac, I have no evidence. I should have written that "I guess that Canon (like cheap HP ink printer, and not Brother as I wrote initially) has programmed a chip in the motherboard ....".


Many years ago, I had a cheap HP ink printer that one day showed an error code that stopped the printer from working. This was a known problem on internet, and no one had any solution, other than buying a new printer. But then it was electronics expert that showed a video on how to short-circuit and reset a chip on the motherboard that made the printer continue without multiple error messages. This was a chip that was installed and programmed to provide an unexplained error message after the X number of copies. That was when I realized that cheap inkjet printers were meant for "buy and throw".

I wouldn't put it past manufacturers doing this sort of thing to generate sales. The average user would probably be none the wiser and replace the printer from the same manufacturer but not this little black duck!


This is nutzo. Disabling the scanner function and no way around?  We have tried everything.  Our Canon is dead.  Try to get parts, and you see this:


"Please note that for both product safety and optimal product operation most service parts should be installed only by a Canon authorized service provider."


What no online parts store? We'll call the toll free number tomorrow, but if the person on the other end of the line won't sell and ship the part to us, and requires that we ship the printer to them, then that will end our relationship with Canon.


"Canon: See the Impossible", er you mean a scanner that works when I need it?

Hi Canon Support,


I wasn't able to get this solution to work but I'm not sure I got the print head fully removed from the carriage unit... it was tough to figure out without a video or images. I'm doing this on my MG6120. Kind of stuck with out it. Can you email me when this message is looked at (or does it automatically do that)?

Thank you for your help,



Hi Clarkman. It's very hard to prove that Canon set their products to malfunction but it appears that's exactly what they do. For a company to do that is dispicable. Just use another brand, they are all similar. I'm happy with Epson - so far 🙂

Hi davidfstarr. If the printhead problem was a genuine fault Can would have sorted it for you. Due to their lack of assistance to remedy the situation, speaks volumes about the company and its ethics. Just buy another brand and get on with it for your own peace of mind 🙂

Count me as having an MX870 that's best used as a boat anchor!  I have tried everything that's recommended.  No luck.

Even Canon Customer Service wouldn't work.  Their voicemail system told me I was out of luck - unless I wanted to PAY for customer service!  Canon, you can count me out as a "loyal customer".  


If you own an MX870 - quit trying to remedy the U52 error message you're getting.  You're just wasting your time - and patience.

The fair thing to do is to sue Canon for their programed failure in printing heads, ink cartridges and regional policies. I am stuck with the U052 error. This is already the second printing head with the same problem. I had problems with European ink cartridges (it is an US bought printer). I own expensive Canon cameras and lenses. Already 2 original Canon camera power supplies failed - expensive and poor quality, or rather programed failure. The third one will be a cheap, non-Canon one and for sure will be better. In conclusion, I will phase out all the Canon products and I'll advice whomever I can to to the same - boycott a giant fraudulent company.
