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The latest firmware is on the server. Install the firmware update from (Device Settings) in (Setup)


I'm getting this message on my printer (MG7120), but have no idea what it means.   



Hi shirlcl!


To have a better understanding of your issue, please let everyone know what operating system (Windows Vista/7/8 or Mac OS 10.X) you are using. That way, community will be able to assist you with suggestions appropriate for your product.


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Sure, my operating system is Windows 7.

I am getting this using Apple Mac OS 10.10.1 (Yosemite).

I just set up my printer and it seems to be working well.

The Apple update function just a few hours ago had fresh Canon printer settings to download. version 3.1; I got it.

But just noticed the screen on the printer wityh the message discussed.


Hi shirlcl and JCHa,


Updating the firmware of the printer should remove the message from your printer.  To perform the firmware update, please follow these steps:

DO NOT power off the printer during the update.

(1) Power on the printer.


(2) Confirm that the printer is connected to the Internet.


(3)Tap [ Setup ].



(4)Tap [ Device settings ].



(5)Tap [ Firmware update ].



(6)Tap [ Install update ].



(7) The message will be displayed, asking you if you wish to update the firmware. Tap [ Yes ].



(8)Tap [ Start update ]. The update will start.



(9)When "Update succeeded" is displayed, tap [ OK ].



Update of the firmware is completed.
Hope this helps!

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Thank you!  I haven't put it through any paces yet but your instructions helped me recognize several aspects of the screen.  The steps you pictured followed smoothly in sequence.

Great job of helping me understand......the pictures also helped.  The description on the printer was not very informative.

All worked perfectly on my MG6450 - but only after I found the Setup screen! There was nothing obvious on my display - I tried all the apparent options and didn't come across anything called "Setup". Then I noticed a tiny triangle at the top of the "Home" screen and realised it might refer to the up-arrow above the "OK" key, so I clicked on the latter - and the Setup screen (which I'd never seen before!) appeared. Thanks for the help.

That was just what I needed having tried all sorts of things.  You have saved me a lot more hassle.  Thanks

Hi, On step #3, Where do you find the shown 'Setup' button in order to tap it??
I cannot follow your directions, since I do not know where to look.

This message has been on my printer for about a year.  I think it's high time to check into it.   🙂
