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Pixma TS9521C is printing very lightly


My Pixma TS9521C is printing very lightly (about 60% of the value) from my MAC (OS Catalina). I have tried every setting and wasted a lot of time and money on photo paper trying to get this corrected. It shouldn't be this hard. Tried calling support, but I keep getting an error that I don't have an account, which I do. 


Product Expert
Product Expert



Check to make sure that the correct media type is being selected.  This should help with the overall print quality.  Visit the following link for details on how to adjust the settings on a Mac:


Printing from a Mac

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Yes, media type is correct, and I've tried them all

Hi kblagrandeaur,


Please print a test page:


Does the black grid at the top of the page print darkly?


Nozzle Check





Thanks, the test prints ok. If I print a photo on 5x5, the image is fine; if I print the same image on 12x12 (not borderless), it's significantly lighter.


I am having the same issues. I have purchased a new computer for work, never thinking that Canon would not be compatible with Mac, but here I am! I am furious! Why do they not provide updated drivers and color management? 

Me too! I specifically bought this printer so i could print on 12 x 12 borderless. 
