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Pixma MG7520 will Not Turn On


Hello, I have the Pixma MG7520. All of a sudden it just stopped printing in the middle of a job this morning and turned off. I since have not been able to get the printer to turn back on. I have unplugged several times and also moved to a different outlet. It starts to look like it's booting up, but then just shuts off. I have had the printer several years but it does not get heavy use; not sure if it's just age or if there is something else to try and get the printer to turn on. TIA


Product Expert
Product Expert


Based on your description, you printer has experienced an internal hardware issue and would need to be replaced. 

If you printer is outside of it's 1 year warranty, you would qualify for the Canon Upgrade program. This is for out of warranty units which have been diagnosed to require service or are incompatible with a new or upgraded system. This program allows you the opportunity to purchase a replacement product discounted from the list price. Free ground shipping is included with your purchase.

If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please the Canon Sales Department at (866) 443-8002 Mon-Sat, 9 AM to 9pm EST excluding holidays.

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I called Canon, this happened Tuesday to a whole lot of people.  Here is the solution:

SOLUTION: After a 1:57 hold time with Canon customer service.... I have the solution! (and that was 2 hours, not 2 minutes) If this is happening to you it is very easily fixed. [Removed per forum guidelines]  Although I wish I could sell it to make up for my 2 + hours of time.  Here is what you need to do to fix it:

Completely unplug your router and then turn on your printer (it won't stay on if your router is because of a linking problem with the router, that we are going to fix.)  So this is the step-by-step for the MG6620 and probably those models with similar menus, but whatever model you have just try to get to your DNS Server Setup. That is where the setting is that needs manually changed. So for the MG6620:

On the menu swipe to Setup, then find Web Service Setup then DNS Server Setup. Select Manual.  Press each set of numbers and change them all to 000 except the last set. That needs to be 001. So your DNS will look like this:  Click OK, then click No.

That's it. You should be good to print.

You are welcome!  Too bad someone at Canon doesn't just post this somewhere. Would've save a lot of people a lot of headaches, I'm sure. 

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Product Expert
Product Expert


Based on your description, you printer has experienced an internal hardware issue and would need to be replaced. 

If you printer is outside of it's 1 year warranty, you would qualify for the Canon Upgrade program. This is for out of warranty units which have been diagnosed to require service or are incompatible with a new or upgraded system. This program allows you the opportunity to purchase a replacement product discounted from the list price. Free ground shipping is included with your purchase.

If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please the Canon Sales Department at (866) 443-8002 Mon-Sat, 9 AM to 9pm EST excluding holidays.

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It seems like a large number of PIXMA MG7520 printers all of a sudden had "hardware issues" at the same time (May 31, 2022).  Apparently not a "hardware issue" but something that Canon needs to do a fix for.  And it appears that this issue has happened all over the United States, not just a local issue.

Arthur, this appears to be a large scale meltdown that only Canon can fix. I'm new to this user community, and I'm curious why a Canon representative hasn't spoken up yet. So far the only substantive response has been from a user recommending a DNS workaround to effectively insulate our printers from the internet. Now would be the time for Canon to weigh in with meaningful information for your faithful community members and the thousands of others who are having a bad printer day and aren't represented in this community.

As you know, in this age of social media, negative news spreads fast - and the last thing Canon management wants is for CAJ stock to tank as the result of what some might regard as stonewalling.

Read my solution post. You can fix it. You just need to reset your DNS to 001

How do I do that?

Look for my solution. Search for: EASY FIX if your printer won't turn on


I am still waiting to see some kind of solution come from Canon.  Right now the only reply is from "Arthur" and to me it is as useful as pimples on a wart hog's behind.  There are to many people having the same issue for this to be a "hardware" issue.  How can so many printers have the same "hardware" issue on the same day.?

Look for my solution. It works, no pimples. Promise.  Search for: EASY FIX if your printer won't turn on

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