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Pixma MG2522 won't connect to my computer


I tried the CD-Rom to add driver, it says 'printer detected' then switches to 'printer not detected'. I tried downloading updated drivers, it did the same thing. I tried restarting my computer and starting the installation over, it didn't work either. Same error. I've always used hp printers before, I'm thinking about taking this thing back and getting another hp. Is there anything else I could try?


I'm running Windows 10, and the printer is connected, not wireless.



After trying to solve it on my own for about 4 hours this worked the FIRST time!!

I tried for over 2 months to do what Canon told us to do but it never worked. I tried what pegasusCanon said that they did and it worked like a charm.


The accepted solution didn't work for me, and for awhile I thought it had damaged my laptop.  I am still not sure the laptop is okay.

When I tried the solution, devicemgmt.msc was not found, so I started typing device manager in the search box.  At some point that brought up the device manager.  Other devices didn't have anything obvious about the mg2522 so I tried uninstalling unknown device.  The Universal etc had nothing likely looking.

Then I continued.  It took 20-30 minutes to download and almost as long to try to install then it got to the printer connection panel where it had been failing.  It sat there forever.

So I tried stopping the installation, if it was even running, There is no progress indicator.  That left the system in a state where it wouldn't restart without about an hour of work, including it installing Windows updates even though I have updating turned off.  Now my ystem is up but noticeably slow.

Will I know which entries in the select what you want to include are the "MP driver" and "Quick menu"?  That is, are the names obvious?  I lack the moral fiber to spend an hour or two getting back to that point just to see.  Thank you.

I tried pegasusCanon's method and it also failed  What crappy software.

Uninstall canon drivers if any, then just connect the printer, do not connect other usb device. During setup, there’s a way to select what should be installed, I just select QuickMenu and MP driver, then the setup can detect the printer and complete the installation. Yeah, this setup has wasted too much time of customer, I would give it negative score, since it had not done enough test.

Try connect to the usb port at back of computer, sometimes it’s stable than the ports on the front.

Thanks, I didn't even know there was a port back there,  It still fails, tho.

I found a solution that worked for me on reddit at:

First I downloaded and tried to install the drivers from the Canon website.  It goto not finding the printer and said if I quit the drivers would not be there.  I snaid bad words and quit and the followed the procedure from the url above from barksonic:

Open Start Menu > Settings > Devices > Printers & Scanners and it should show the drivers aren't available. left Click on the device and it should have a button to remove the device, click on it. Next Physically disconnect the printer from the PC and reconnect shortly after. It should come up without the drivers warning.

And presto everything worked.  Whole process took about 5 minutes.


I followed all the directions and still didn't get it installed.....until I realized that my new computer had Windows 11 in S mode which blocked all apps and programs that didn't originate with Microsoft.  I had to go to the Microsoft store and turn off S mode and then all the directions given here work just fine!  Now my printer and computer are on speaking terms!  Thanks!
