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PIXMA MX922 with error code B200 (Series MX920)

How do you clear the B200 Support Code on my Printer? I can't do anything with the printer until the B200 code is removed and does not pop up as soon as I power up the printer. AND what causes the B200 code to be active all of a sudden?? My printer is no longer in warranty, but has worked fine until this code issue appeared all of a sudden! Your nearest service center is over 250 miles away----hardly worth while to keep printer if no "work a round" is provided, and I doubt I'd buy another Canon if this issue is not resolved!
155 REPLIES 155

Hi Gusbuf

B200 is a bitch. Once it manifests in your printer, it just keeps on coming back!

My MX922 is about 3 years old and The "Keefe Solution" has always worked for me, but sometimes it takes 5 or 6 times, accompanied by choice curses and other demon-like vocalizations, inbetween unlugging the printer from the wall socket and/or the back of the printer itself and waiting a bit.  I will admit to slightly swatting the recalcitrant machine in desperation, as well.

Maybe try it again? Gregorian chant? Scented candles? Incense? Supplications to underworld deities?

Best of luck.

This worked for me too but the directions were ambiguous; It states "Wait for print carriage to start moving to the left and..."

The carriage doesn't really go to the left. It goes to the right and back to the center. So, waiting for it to go left, it stopped. I decided to just close the cover at that point and after the printer wasted a bunch of ink, it worked again.


Having encountered the dreaded B200 error code on my Canon MX922, I ran through the various proposed steps discussed here, including removing and cleaning the print head, and resetting the print head with the (print head) cover open. I still received the B200 error code.  However, once I turned the printer off and manually moved the print head to the center position (i.e., from the side position it normally ends in) (see for a demonstration of this manual resetting; I know it's a different Canon printer, it's still the same technique), and then restarted the printer, and then ran a Maintenance/Check Nozzle just to make sure there wasn't still an issue with some sort of clog, the error cleared, and I've been able to print normally.


One problem with having had no success with either the "open cover" method or the "manually clean print head" technique, but having success after the "manual movement of print head" technique, is that I can't definitively say if it was only the "manual movement" that fixed the B200 error, or rather some combination of the three techinques.  Anyway, as long as it's back to printing.


Thanks to all for the help.



I'm going to try this as printer still sitting in my desk and I seriously thought about taking it apart!!!

This also worked for me.

I took the whole thing apart and attempted to clean it and it twice and nothing!! Then i do this Super fast easy thing and BOOM fixed! Stupid printer. Thank you!

Mines still sitting in the dark - lol as well...
hate to toss away something I think not bad..or worn out!! If it were a car it would have a recall and not just be simply planned obsolescense!! Sigh

Def going to try tomorrow.

I hope this helps some folks...


Canon MX922 Printer B200 Error - Repair Report


  1. Problem: Printer displays Error B200 and won’t proceed.
  2. Removed ink cartridges – 3 totally empty; 1 almost empty; 1 Pigment black O.K.
  3. Replaced all ink cartridges with new cartridges.
  4. Printer still displayed Error B200 and wouldn’t proceed.
  5. Much online research and attempted solutions, but no success.
  6. Finally, turned OFF printer and opened cartridge access door. Turned ON printer and when print head moved to access position, unplugged power cord.
  7. Removed ink cartridges
  8. Removed Print Head (lever release pulled forward, tipped the head and slid it out).
  9. Flushed Print Head with hot water until no ink. Used 50cc syringe with 8-gauge cannula and Tygon tubing 1/4” nipple to force hot water through ink channels until no ink. Blew out ink channels with dry syringe. Wiped down ink droplet dispenser with isopropyl alcohol until no ink color.
  10. Replaced dried Print Head and reset release bar.
  11. Replaced all the new ink cartridges.
  12. Re-started printer with cartridge access doors open. After Print Head moved to access position and all cartridges were lighted and not flashing, printer displayed “Door Open – Close Door”. I DID NOT close door, because if I did the printer would display “Error B200” and freeze!
  13. I instructed the connected computer (in “printer maintenance”) to do a “Deep Cleaning”. When completed, I closed the door(s) and instructed it to do a “Nozzle Check”.


The printer operated normally and gave a GOOD nozzle check report.


Trouble Shooting 102 - Problem solved.

Thanks. It worked for me, however had to give three tries.

This is my second Canon with this problem. First was a Pixma MX870 now my MX922. I got a lot of use from the 870 so I accepted it was done. Buying a print head for $90 didn’t make sense because I bought it for $85 on sale. Now my MX922 was not used for 1/3 the print jobs of the 870 and I got the b200 for the second time. I cleaned it over night put it back and got couldn’t recognize the ink cartridge code. I switched to grayscale and it prints. Bought new ink today and b200 is back. 

Removed head put back ink and grayscale and it works.  I don’t think I have much time left. 
