PIXMA MX490/MX492 Firmware Update Stalled


Wow, this is so frustrating. Trying to update MX490/492. I left the update for 2 hours, came back and there was no progress. I cancelled it thinking it was frozen. Now I'm trying to start it again and it is saying no update available. I've tried deleting and redownloading from the link above. Nothing will work. 



Sorry for your troubles ... but thanks for posting your experience with the update.   I was minutes away from updating my MX492 firmware for the "fix."   Now I think I'll wait.

The other thing I'm wondering ... as soon as I bought my printer, I registered it on the Canon website.

I started experiencing the problem several days ago.   Luckily found this forum and the "temporary" fix yesterday.  Later in the day, Canon released the firmware "fix."

But interestingly enough, even though my printer is registered, I didn't receive an email, text or any communication from Canon about the massive issue.  WTF?   What's the point of registering (or buying) my Canon product if Canon is playing HEAD IN THE SAND and not being pro-active by contacting registered owners.

This is going to be a massive PR failure for Canon and I, for one, will never buy another Canon product.





I was unable to download the newest version Firmware.  Could not get the USB to communicate with my printer.  Anyone have any different solution suggestions?

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi gwhite,

Please refer to this Advisory to resolve the issue that you are experiencing:

Service Advisory





Have had this problem.  Now i just get error codes 210, 203, 204.  Service required.  I'm sooo frustrated.  Just bought a Brothers.  Will never, ever by a Canon again after Canon say i have to pay for twch support and service.  Especially when mine was working perfectly before this firmware issue.  Canon's solution is no solution!
