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MX892 getting error B200, any way to fix it? Based on forums this is printing head error.



Took me 2 trys but this worked.  Thank you

When you have the power off you can't see any of the buttons light up. Ok button only lights up when power is on. I tried this and it didn't work.

I will probably go back to HP printers.

Turn off printer

Disconnect from AC

Press OK button on printer 5 times

Reconnect AC

Turn on printer

If this does not work

Try  several more times

If it still does not work

Try again but do not turn on printer until next morning

This has worked for me twice so far.

Also you might try removing the print head and rinsing under hot water until water runs clear before you start the above procedure.

Worked for me on first try. Will post again if any further problems.

Worked! Thanks!

This method worked for me first try! 

Thank you!! 

This fix is still good...
Did combo of the 'Hit OK 5 times' and the 'print carriage reset open/close' procedure WITHOUT unplugging power. One or the other or both cleared error. Many thanks!

After speaking with a Canon representative that told me I would have to just buy a whole new printer I was willing to try anything! Thank you so much for this solution, Canon should really be willing to try and help more than they were today. I was very disappointed with their customer service.

I had the same experience with Canon help.  Useless.  Tried the methods mentioned here and they didn't help either.  So I've ordered a new printhead.  Lessons learned.  (1) Use the printer at LEAST once a month, even if only for a test page; (2) If leaving for an extended period, do a cleaning BEFORE (and THEN shut it down); (3) DON'T ever let a cartridge run dry.


I'm pretty sure I'd have gotten more life out of the printhead if I hadn't violated all three...



