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MG5650 Orange alarm light on, not flashing, no error displayed.


Hello, I would like to ask assistance with a problem my brand new MG5650 printer is having. I managed to correctly print a test page after setting it up and then followed the instructions to turn it off. The next day I tried printing something and the orange alarm light turned on when I pressed the power button.

The power button also stays on, but the LCD display doesn't turn on and it doesn't show any error. The printer doesn't make any powering up sounds either. 

I tried plugging it into all the different outlets in my house thinking that might be the problem to no avail. 

At one point it did turn on and I managed to print that one document, but now it's doing it again and I can't find anybody else with this error. 

I would aprieciate some help with it before returning it to the store.

Thank you.



I have the same issue, did you find any solution for it




I have the same issue, I have powered on my printer, but only a permanent orange warning light is showed and I can do nothing with it.


Did you find a solution?.. or I have to call to my region support assistance. The printer has less than 6 uses and it was bought on October 2015.


Thanks in advance if anyone has more details about the problem

Mine had less than ten uses too. As it was still in warranty I took it back to the store where I bought it from and they sent it to a Canon service center. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with it so they just replaced it with a new one. It's been working ever since and I haven't encountered any other problem. It's a great printer, I really hope you manage to find a solution.

Thanks for your quick answer Seiree, I have contacted with Canon Service Center, but their daily work is from Monday to Friday, so, I have to wait up for next monday in order to know the next steps that I have to take.


I will let you know about which is the solution.


Thank you!!

I have checked with the service center they cant fix it . Let me know if they find the problem

MG5600 orange alarm light on, not flashing, no error displayed. Help

Hi jtconlon,


If no support code is displayed, let's start by resetting the printer.

  1. If the paper output tray is closed, open it.

  2. Turn the printer off.

  3. When the printer is completely off (no lights, screen is blank) unplug the unit.

  4. Press the power button 4-5 times.

  5. Leave the printer off for at least 5 minutes.

  6. Plug the printer in and turn it on.

If the error persists, your printer may require service.


This didn't answer your question or issue? Please call or email us at one of the methods on the Contact Us page for further assistance.


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mine too any ideas welcomed

Hi Bob71,


Welcome to The Canon Forums, and thank you for your inquiry!


We appreciate your participation, however, we need to let you know that the Canon Forum is hosted and moderated within the United States by Canon USA. We are only able to provide support for Canon products manufactured for and used within the US market.


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